Movies everyone talks about/loves that you've never seen

Your missing out if you never seen The Departed.

I actually made it a point to see THE DEPARTED because I'm a fan of the original Hong Kong film series INFERNAL AFFAIRS. And, I actually did enjoy it. Good movie. But it didn't inspire any desire in me to see the filmmaker's other mob movies.
I actually made it a point to see THE DEPARTED because I'm a fan of the original Hong Kong film series INFERNAL AFFAIRS. And, I actually did enjoy it. Good movie. But it didn't inspire any desire in me to see the filmmaker's other mob movies.
Wolf of Wall Street?
Avatar , Titanic , and Airplane are the only one's I can think of that seem to be universally popular and I have zero interest in watching .
Get Out is always mentioned as one of the greatest movies of the last 20 years but I've never seen it.
I've seen T2 a bunch of times, but I don't think I've seen more than 5 minutes of the first one.

The original is fantastic but it's one of those movies where the sequel was even better. If you enjoyed T2 then T1 is definitely worth a watch.

Any Star Wars, LOTR, Indiana Jones, a bunch of other nerdy things.

I would say the Star Wars (Hope, Empire, Jedi) movies are must see but after that I'd recommend not viewing at all.

Never seen transformers, braveheart, Schindler's list

Transformers sucks unless you're a 12 yr old kid. Braveheart and Schindlers List are masterpieces.

John Wick 1 and 2 . Watched 3 , it was crap.

I recently watched all of these and John Wick 1 was amazing but 2 was meh, and 3 was god awful.
I've never seen Braveheart, Avatar or Schindler's List.

Saw maybe 45 minutes worth of the Dark Knight..... but pretty much every superhero movie and any Star Wars movie made after Phantom Menace I haven't seen.

Never seen Lord of the Rings or any Harry Potter movie.
I've never seen the Godfather II or III.
Haven't seen either Hunger Games movie.
I've never seen Braveheart, Avatar or Schindler's List.

Saw maybe 45 minutes worth of the Dark Knight..... but pretty much every superhero movie and any Star Wars movie made after Phantom Menace I haven't seen.

Never seen Lord of the Rings or any Harry Potter movie.
I've never seen the Godfather II or III.
Haven't seen either Hunger Games movie.
Add Avatar to my list. You should see dark Knight, bud

I've seen some of the Harry potters and lotr but don't remember em, they're all a blur to me but I didn't like em. Seen the first hunger games I think and most of the first and second godfathers

Also never seen any of the alien movies
"Life of Pi"

I read the plot synopsis on wikipedia and it sounds fucking retarded.
It is. I found this movie to be offensively bad and what's even worse, it agressively preached retarded ideology.
The original is fantastic but it's one of those movies where the sequel was even better. If you enjoyed T2 then T1 is definitely worth a watch.

I would say the Star Wars (Hope, Empire, Jedi) movies are must see but after that I'd recommend not viewing at all.

Transformers sucks unless you're a 12 yr old kid. Braveheart and Schindlers List are masterpieces.

I recently watched all of these and John Wick 1 was amazing but 2 was meh, and 3 was god awful.
I liked all the John wick movies lol
Every Quentin Tarantino movie after Pulp Fiction.

Even though I grew up loving Marvel comic books, I've not seen any of the Marvel movies. I keep telling myself that one day I'll get around to watching them all.

I've also not seen the Godfather movies or Goodfellas.
Don’t see any of them after T2. You’ll wish you could unsee those too

kind of wish I could unsee the newest Godzilla movie. Looked badass in trailers. Little did I know though that literally all the good stuff is in the trailers
That movie was so soulless, first time ever I didn't give a shit about Godzilla. All those classic monsters and it was so fucking boring

I never watched Chitty Chitty and Charlie and the Chocolate, the bird with the brolly or Who's That Girl

Can't bring myself to watch Blade Runner 2 either