Social motivational videos

He visited tons of places and different people. Really great stuff imo and just with his phone, personal and honest.
I really enjoyed

I'm partly watching shit and painting so I'll definitely check it out. Thx.
I find motivational videos to be corny, they don't do anything for me. Understanding myself and how and why I behave the way I do works for me. Some level of routine (which I've trouble with) and semi-discipline. Whether or not there's different types of motivation is hard to say.

I don't think I really motivate anyone. Not through any conscious effort anyway, though some people may be motivated to do xyz based on their incidental interactions with me. I generally leave people to do there any own thang and have to no motivation to motivate, har har, and I think I lack the charisma to do so as well.

Different things motivate different people. As far as how that differs from the past, that's too broad a question for me to answer. Lotta factors there.

That said, there's things that fire me up. Metal in particular.


Life change starts with education, not inspiration.

Pennies in the pocket? Nothing in the bank? Behind on your promises? I got a simple explanation for you: You messed up.

Someone says, "Just motivate this guy! Get him turned on!". But if the guy is an idiot and I motivate him, now I got a motivated idiot.

God says, "You plant seed. I make tree." That's a pretty good deal if you ask me.

This is simple easy stuff, but if you neglect it; the pile will start adding up.

Read something positive and uplifting for atleast 15 mins a day. You need program yourself to success.
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I'm going to upload a video onto my X account once I get back to my american phone tonight, then I'll post it here

It will change your life!

What you do speaks so loud, folks can't hear what you are "saying".

Many people confuse their performances with who they are.

The differences in Arrival depend primarily on the set of the sail, not the blowing of the wind.

Correcting the errors of the past, and obtaining the skills of the future, will create Total Life Change.

If you wish to, you can begin changing your life today.
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Goggins' random videos are great and usually hilarious. For context, this is after a 35 mile run and already having done a ton of reps where he kept improving on each set.

Whenever he's running and decides he wants to say something, he calls his wife to drive out to where he is and start filming lol. Shit cracks me up.


Life doesn't last forever, at some point this will come to an end. Let's be prepared for that.

Some of us are wondering if you will ever become the man you were meant to be.

You can be sincere and work hard all your life and look around and be embarrassed. You need to do more than just be a good worker.

I used to have the illness known as passivity.

The more you activate, the more energy you have.

The more engaged you are, the more engagement you will get from others.

You cannot maximize your resources until you have full engagement.

When God is calling, you answer.

Sometimes God swings the Sword of Division into your life so you can be separated from what is holding you down and keeping you behind.

You cannot serve two Masters.

Most of what you want is upstream. You need to paddle.

For a sophisticated person, a few may be better than many. Better a few treasures than a house full of junk.

Nothing has more value than following your purpose.
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Two phrases to consider:

Life and Business are like the Changing Seasons.

You cannot change the seasons, but you can change yourself.


When God gives you an opportunity, you need to work your magic and make something of it.
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