Most Iconic Movie Gun real or fantasy.

i hang my head in nerd shame,because i forgot this beauty.


god in heaven..... my public prayer is that the live action GOW movie isn't a giant steaming pile of giant south American vampire bat guano.
That's an inspired choice, I like the cut of your jib.

*Tips hat*

Part of the reason I dug it so much was the rarity of the ammo. It's mere presence was enough threat.
Not a movie ... but, this is becoming pretty iconic :


I think it's a magnum :?
god in heaven..... my public prayer is that the live action GOW movie isn't a giant steaming pile of giant south American vampire bat guano.
hold on,how come I'm only just hearing of a film version? damn you dragonlord!
@ NEVERWAS. big up for helpin me thread mon with all de pics. BUCk BUCK ALIMACIT!!! (typed in KRS-1's voice)

Why did the Black Guy have to get eaten first? not that I wanted another ethnicity to get eaten before the black guy but why the brotha?

movies where the black guy has died first

1.boys in the hood

2. Jurassic park

3.Menace to society



6. Sam Jackson in Deep blue sea

there's a trend just sayin.
I thought Newman was the first victim, and then the lawyer on the shitter?
Agree it was in a lot of action stuff in the late eighties early nineties. It wasn't until I Joined the ARMY and had to actually use the damn thing that I realized it wasn't the gun for me. sorry man

I live in wild Boar country I gots to have some stopping power GLOCK 21 baby get you one mang.
I actually owned a Glock21. Didn't like the feel and my aim with that versus the Beretta did not compare. But so many use the Glock so can't say it's a bad gun, just not for me. Guns are like woman, they all give us a bang and we have a ton of choices.
*Tips hat*

Part of the reason I dug it so much was the rarity of the ammo. It's mere presence was enough threat.

Absolutely, and there were many scenes where the tension relied not only on the scarcity of the ammunition, but the quality. How many films have you had a protagonist who had to wonder if his gun would even fire?
Can we add knives? I actually owned this for I loved it in the movie Cobra so much.

Noisy Cricket

Golden Gun

admit it,if your a shooting enthusiast,you want to have a go with a fully auto shotgun.
Some of my favs I can think of:
Lance's gun in Hard Target

Hubert in Wasabi:
if we add knives,we'll be here all night.