Non title fight... and EX champ, but Tim Sylvia vs Ray mercer.... jesus fucking Christ. Did no one in his camp tell him it would be a bad idea to stand directly in front of an ex heavyweight boxing champion and try to throw hands? No take down attempt, no standing outside of punching range and blasting him with high or low kicks... just waddled right into punching range, did he even try to jab his way in? I can't remember. It was Tim's fight to lose, and he did. So embarrassing I feel sorry for the guy. I actually wish I could invent a time machine, go back in time and talk some sense into this guy.
Ronda Rousey vs Nunes.... again ex champ, but GOT DAMN! You were viciously exposed as an un technical, highly emotional fighter by holm... who only tied more emotions into the bout with every blow that she landed on her face. So what does she do? Comes right back out of the gate with her tough girl act, charging forward like she could eat any punch nunes landed just because "she's tough and has a scowl on her face."