Morning workout conflicting with morning poo

I don't know. I wake up and have a cup of coffee then shit before I workout. I will admit I get tired after taking a dump but that is usually towards the end of the day.
Is that true? Because honestly I don't feel like exercising afterwards.

Yes. The process of eliminating waste from your body can be very taxing on your body's energy stores. You also lose fluids through sweating and urination during the process.
I've been trying to switch from a evening workout routine to a morning one, but my body is fighting me.

Either I can't workout hard because I have to use the bathroom, or I use the bathroom first but then have to workout afterwards, which sucks for a number of reasons.

Any of you work out first thing in the morning? How did you solve this?
Exercise, eat, toilet.
Some poos are not cooperative and leave you too physically and mentally drained to do anything for a while.
Just a preference. I like to take a shower immediately after shitting so I start the day with every part of my body squeaky clean.
Why not just shit, fight the urge to shower, work out, then shower after?
I always have to go an hour after waking up, i shit on company time and i wouldnt have it any other way. I only workout in the morning on weekends to be out before the gym fills.
Just a preference. I like to take a shower immediately after shitting so I start the day with every part of my body squeaky clean.
So typically you wake up, shit, & shower.

But you can't wake up, shit, exercise, then shower?

If I were you, and I do this myself, keep working out in the evening. It's a great way to exhaust the body and it's far easier to fall asleep.
I've been trying to switch from a evening workout routine to a morning one, but my body is fighting me.

Either I can't workout hard because I have to use the bathroom, or I use the bathroom first but then have to workout afterwards, which sucks for a number of reasons.

Any of you work out first thing in the morning? How did you solve this?
Preworkout>massive shit>workout
Abuse your anus with a massive and extremely lubed dildo to dilate it significantly. Your morning bowel movements will flow effortlessly and will not tax/fatigue your system as much, sparing your effort and energy for the morning workouts.