More Game Show Fun W/ Overeem, Hunt, & Sapp: Tug Of War

Sapp is a big dude. I wonder how Overeem takes losing all these strength contests (just watched him arm wrestle Sapp earlier).
Awesome, didn't expect Hunt to be so much stronger than everyone.
no wonder fans love them so much over there..... they dont do fun stuff like that here
to see them run ninja warrior would be awesome
Hunt has that old man strength.
1) What the heck was Sakuraba doing there with giants like sapp, hunt and the reem?
2)Great to see Sakuraba with big fighters and not having his skull kneed in.
Holy shit that was awesome, haha. I honestly didn't give Hunt a snowball's chance in hell against the Beast. I need that green HUNT hat, btw, as I'm a Mark Hunt nuthugger.
That was awesome!!! I guess Hunt's knee is better? I'm assuming this is new?
all you guys are talking up sapp and he got owned by mark hunt..but he is a beast..i think this pretty much means hunt will win the title of cain....or am i reading too much into this lol
Sapp is a big dude. I wonder how Overeem takes losing all these strength contests (just watched him arm wrestle Sapp earlier).

he loses because he CHOOSES to lose. this kind generous man would rather let other people have inflated ego's then running around proving just how amazing he is. he knows he has the strength of a Norse God but chooses to hold back for the sake of all mankind. you SHOULD be thanking him. if he went on a rampage Japan would be screem "Look its Godzilla!"
Sapp is a genius. Went over to Japan after a lackluster NFL career and made a ton of money being a loveable giant. Get in where you fit in.