Elections More Americans Identify as Republican than Democrat for the first time in 30 Years

I would caution anyone to believe stats. Common sense tells us you bring in a poor group from any country and crime goes up. Especially when they come from areas that crime is a way of life. I have 5 close friends that are NYPD. Warrants, Patrol, ATTF, etc. They are told NOT to arrest any migrant unless it is a felony. The Subways are so bad that every cop has to work a weekend day or night in uniform on a platform. BUT, it is only for optics. They will only make arrests if absolutely no other choice. My one friend told me yesterday he could have made 30 arrests but only made 1. This comes directly from DA Bragg. Unless it's a felony with violence involved, he won't prosecute. The cops will witness a crime, and just escort the per out of the subway. Thats it.

Many urban areas do not even report crime stats anymore, even when they water them down with leniency, dismissing charges all together, etc. That is well reported and obvious. Anyone that tries to say otherwise is a legit idiot and why republicans are more popular now.

It is simple cause and effect, and the more progressives deny this, and similar things, well that leads to trends as indicated with this thread.
I didn't state it was a major part of their messaging. But they obviously cared about it enough to make the secretary of health a transgender.
What? First, Levine is an an assistant secretary. Second, if your argument is that transpeople shouldn't be allowed to work in gov't, that is different. Is it?
Just like he had to pick incompetent Kamala for vp because she was black. And he had to get a gay guy for infrastructure. Biden himself, a old mentally diminished liar, was your original candidate for a reason
You're moving the goalposts. I agree that Democrats disagree with your apparent belief that only straight white males can be qualified for jobs.
It doesn't take propaganda to understand that the Democratic party is a clown show with too many incompetent people shoved into government positions based on woke bs that they need to desperately give up on
Given your premises. But your premises are insane.
@Sakuraba'sEar, what is your argument if it isn't just that gov't jobs should be reserved for straight white males, and anyone else should be presumed incompetent and that they only get hired to make some kind of statement?
The future and people will love it or else.
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Stuff like trannies is literally all leftists talk about in their circles.
I was curious. I just went to the transgender megathread v2.

You have 5 pages full of posts in there. So probably 100 posts.

I, who am one of the most frequently posting liberals in the WR, have 1 post, which is just expressing amazement that the thread is so long.

8,000 posts, huh? And this is volume 2! Must be over 10,000 overall, easy.

What an obsession.

I feel like this is an accurate microcosm of the situation.
This is how Trump supporters think of him lol like he some kind of hero.


Now go to mars please already.

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What? First, Levine was a deputy. Second, if your argument is that transpeople shouldn't be allowed to work in gov't, that is different. Is it?

You're moving the goalposts. I agree that Democrats disagree with your apparent belief that only straight white males can be qualified for jobs.

Given your premises. But your premises are insane.
You're the same person that thought any mention of Biden's diminishing mental state was also republican propaganda and then tried to bait and switch me into talking about his "handlers" to make me sound like the crazy lol

@Sakuraba'sEar, what is your argument if it isn't just that gov't jobs should be reserved for straight white males, and anyone else should be presumed incompetent and that they only get hired to make some kind of statement?
Do you honestly think they were the best qualified? Be honest

Other democrats I've talked to have had the same frustrations. You should want better too
Which is why I said you cherry picked. Aggregate crime is down, and studies are working to determine why those two are up.

Note that I'm not saying they aren't a problem.
"Crime is down in 5 out of the 7 major crime categories in the first quarter of 2024, according to the NYPD.

Murder is down 17.2%, rape is down 3.7%, burglary is down 13.8%, grand larceny is down 2% and grand larceny auto is down 9.7% this first quarter of 2024 compared to the same time period in 2023.

Transit crime also saw a drop - with crime on the subways down 23% in March, which officials attributed to the surge of close to a thousand officers into the transit system. "

5 out of 7 categories are down and that's gasliighting in your book?

So yeah, bullshit baffles brains. People will fearfully react to anecdotes instead of taking the time to look at statistics. It doesn't mean the statistics are wrong.

You people who do not live here have no idea WTF you're talking about. It feels like the 1990's New York where people are beating the shit out of each other on the street all the time.

1. There was a historic surge in assaults last year (2023). And it's still high this year. That and theft.

2. Your benchmark of whether crime is down or not is only counting 7 major felonies — which include murder, rape, robbery, FELONY assault, burglary, grand larceny and car thefts.

And ONLY counting them if the DA's decide whether to upgrade, downgrade or stick with the charge as one of the 7 major felony offenses.

A lot of times just beating the shit out of each other is never upgraded to a felony - often only charged as a misdemeanor or just dismissed. These misdemeanors are not counted in the "crime reports" that say crime is down. Theft is never even prosecuted.

What happens if you never prosecute theft and beating the shit out of each other? It happens everywhere. Duh.

3. The new bail reform laws are a complete failure. So that smaller crimes like theft, shoplifting, simple assault are just a slap on the wrist or you just spend a night in jail and nothing happens.

Even the DEMOCRATIC Mayor has been trying to get the bail reform laws changed.

4. Saying this and this crime is down from this same time period from last year means jack shit. That is cherry picking. "Oh this crime is down from October of last year compared to this October."

That means nothing. Because at the BEGINNING of this year, there was a big spike compared to the end of 2023. It goes up and down and back up repeatedly.

5. Any time an administration or DA or Mayor claims "crime is down" there is a political motive because if it's up, that means they're doing a bad job. You can't take what they say at face value.
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You're the same person that thought any mention of Biden's diminishing mental state was also republican propaganda and then tried to bait and switch me into talking about his "handlers" to make me sound like the crazy lol
So your approach here is to change the subject? What's wrong with honest discussion?
Do you honestly think they were the best qualified? Be honest
I think they were all qualified. I don't think there is "best qualified" because there’s a lot of subjectivity involved, and I don't know who the other candidates are. Do you think Levine is less qualified than Eric Hargan, who served in the same role under Trump? Ed: Actually, he had a higher position. Don't even know who played the role under Azar, and neither do you. Do you think Harris is less competent than Pence? Honestly.
Other democrats I've talked to have had the frustrations. You should want better too
I want the best. I don't agree that only straight white males can be good at stuff.
You people who do not live here have no idea WTF you're talking about. It feels like the 1990's New York where people are beating the shit out of each other on the street all the time.

1. There was a historic surge in assaults last year (2023). And it's still high this year. That and theft.

2. Your benchmark of whether crime is down or not is only counting 7 major felonies — which include murder, rape, robbery, FELONY assault, burglary, grand larceny and car thefts.

And ONLY counting them if the DA's decide whether to upgrade, downgrade or stick with the charge as one of the 7 major felony offenses.

A lot of times just beating the shit out of each other is never upgraded to a felony - often only charged as a misdemeanor. These misdemeanors are not counted in the "crime reports" that say crime is down. Theft is never prosecuted.

What happens if you never prosecute theft and beating the shit out of each other? It happens everywhere. Duh.

3. The new bail reform laws are a complete failure. So that smaller crimes like theft, shoplifting, simple assault are just a slap on the wrist or you just spend a night in jail and nothing happens.

Even the DEMOCRATIC Mayor has been trying to get the bail reform laws changed.

4. Saying this and this crime is down from this same time period from last year means jack shit. That is cherry picking. "Oh this crime is down from October of last year compared to this October."

That means nothing. Because at the BEGINNING of this year, there was a big spike compared to the end of 2023. It goes up and down.
I'm a New Yorker. I don't agree with you. I think we're just living in an era where everyone has a camera in their hand, so videos of people freaking out always goes viral. So many of the really rough areas, especially in Brooklyn, have become so gentrified in the last 20-30.

But, of course, neighborhoods are different, and I'm not familiar with all of them.
I'm a New Yorker. I don't agree with you. I think we're just living in an era where everyone has a camera in their hand, so videos of people freaking out always goes viral. So many of the really rough areas, especially in Brooklyn, have become so gentrified in the last 20-30.

But, of course, neighborhoods are different, and I'm not familiar with all of them.
A good friend of mine was assaulted in an elevator in manhattan while going to his apartment with his wife. He sustained a severely broken leg which required 2 surgeries and multiple rods/pins. He is still in recovery 2 years later. The DA refused to prosecute because the assailant, who had multiple prior assaults, was going to argue he was called a derogatory name which caused him to attack and the DA expressed that he didn’t think he could win over the entire jury because they would be sympathetic since the assailant was a homosexual.

My friend has since moved out of manhattan.
You people who do not live here have no idea WTF you're talking about. It feels like the 1990's New York where people are beating the shit out of each other on the street all the time.

1. There was a historic surge in assaults last year (2023). And it's still high this year. That and theft.

2. Your benchmark of whether crime is down or not is only counting 7 major felonies — which include murder, rape, robbery, FELONY assault, burglary, grand larceny and car thefts.

And ONLY counting them if the DA's decide whether to upgrade, downgrade or stick with the charge as one of the 7 major felony offenses.

A lot of times just beating the shit out of each other is never upgraded to a felony - often only charged as a misdemeanor. These misdemeanors are not counted in the "crime reports" that say crime is down. Theft is never prosecuted.

What happens if you never prosecute theft and beating the shit out of each other? It happens everywhere. Duh.

3. The new bail reform laws are a complete failure. So that smaller crimes like theft, shoplifting, simple assault are just a slap on the wrist or you just spend a night in jail and nothing happens.

Even the DEMOCRATIC Mayor has been trying to get the bail reform laws changed.

4. Saying this and this crime is down from this same time period from last year means jack shit. That is cherry picking. "Oh this crime is down from October of last year compared to this October."

That means nothing. Because at the BEGINNING of this year, there was a big spike compared to the end of 2023. It goes up and down and back up repeatedly.

5. Any time an administration or DA or Mayor claims "crime is down" there is a political motive because if it's up, that means they're doing a bad job. You can't take what they say at face value.
How does this address the NYPD data I posted?
A good friend of mine was assaulted in an elevator in manhattan while going to his apartment with his wife. He sustained a severely broken leg which required 2 surgeries and multiple rods/pins. He is still in recovery 2 years later. The DA refused to prosecute because the assailant, who had multiple prior assaults, was going to argue he was called a derogatory name which caused him to attack and the DA expressed that he didn’t think he could win over the entire jury because they would be sympathetic since the assailant was a homosexual.

My friend has since moved out of manhattan.
So he called the guy a f ag and got his ass beat. basically?

"Provocation" is a legal thing in areas outside of New York too.
I'm a New Yorker. I don't agree with you. I think we're just living in an era where everyone has a camera in their hand, so videos of people freaking out always goes viral. So many of the really rough areas, especially in Brooklyn, have become so gentrified in the last 20-30.

But, of course, neighborhoods are different, and I'm not familiar with all of them.

Where in New York do you live. I literally see it every day. All the pharmacies near me have empty shelves.

How does this address the NYPD data I posted?

I just addressed it. You literally didn't read what I just said.
A good friend of mine was assaulted in an elevator in manhattan while going to his apartment with his wife. He sustained a severely broken leg which required 2 surgeries and multiple rods/pins. He is still in recovery 2 years later. The DA refused to prosecute because the assailant, who had multiple prior assaults, was going to argue he was called a derogatory name which caused him to attack and the DA expressed that he didn’t think he could win over the entire jury because they would be sympathetic since the assailant was a homosexual.

My friend has since moved out of manhattan.
Anecdotes. What are they worth? All together now...
You people who do not live here have no idea WTF you're talking about. It feels like the 1990's New York where people are beating the shit out of each other on the street all the time.

1. There was a historic surge in assaults last year (2023). And it's still high this year. That and theft.

2. Your benchmark of whether crime is down or not is only counting 7 major felonies — which include murder, rape, robbery, FELONY assault, burglary, grand larceny and car thefts.

And ONLY counting them if the DA's decide whether to upgrade, downgrade or stick with the charge as one of the 7 major felony offenses.

A lot of times just beating the shit out of each other is never upgraded to a felony - often only charged as a misdemeanor or just dismissed. These misdemeanors are not counted in the "crime reports" that say crime is down. Theft is never even prosecuted.

What happens if you never prosecute theft and beating the shit out of each other? It happens everywhere. Duh.

3. The new bail reform laws are a complete failure. So that smaller crimes like theft, shoplifting, simple assault are just a slap on the wrist or you just spend a night in jail and nothing happens.

Even the DEMOCRATIC Mayor has been trying to get the bail reform laws changed.

4. Saying this and this crime is down from this same time period from last year means jack shit. That is cherry picking. "Oh this crime is down from October of last year compared to this October."

That means nothing. Because at the BEGINNING of this year, there was a big spike compared to the end of 2023. It goes up and down and back up repeatedly.

5. Any time an administration or DA or Mayor claims "crime is down" there is a political motive because if it's up, that means they're doing a bad job. You can't take what they say at face value.
You would think the national guard being brought into protect the subways would be an indication of a problem to these guys.
You people who do not live here have no idea WTF you're talking about. It feels like the 1990's New York where people are beating the shit out of each other on the street all the time.

1. There was a historic surge in assaults last year (2023). And it's still high this year. That and theft.

2. Your benchmark of whether crime is down or not is only counting 7 major felonies — which include murder, rape, robbery, FELONY assault, burglary, grand larceny and car thefts.

And ONLY counting them if the DA's decide whether to upgrade, downgrade or stick with the charge as one of the 7 major felony offenses.

A lot of times just beating the shit out of each other is never upgraded to a felony - often only charged as a misdemeanor or just dismissed. These misdemeanors are not counted in the "crime reports" that say crime is down. Theft is never even prosecuted.

What happens if you never prosecute theft and beating the shit out of each other? It happens everywhere. Duh.

3. The new bail reform laws are a complete failure. So that smaller crimes like theft, shoplifting, simple assault are just a slap on the wrist or you just spend a night in jail and nothing happens.

Even the DEMOCRATIC Mayor has been trying to get the bail reform laws changed.

4. Saying this and this crime is down from this same time period from last year means jack shit. That is cherry picking. "Oh this crime is down from October of last year compared to this October."

That means nothing. Because at the BEGINNING of this year, there was a big spike compared to the end of 2023. It goes up and down and back up repeatedly.

5. Any time an administration or DA or Mayor claims "crime is down" there is a political motive because if it's up, that means they're doing a bad job. You can't take what they say at face value.

Solid posts. Sadly the brainwashed Russian puppets will ignore it. As Yuri Bezmenov wisely said four decades ago:

"The facts tell nothing to him. Even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents, with pictures; even if I take him by force to the Soviet Union and show him [a] concentration camp, he will refuse to believe it"

There's literally no way to convince these people. Maybe they need to be robbed personally MULTIPLE times and have family members being robbed and beaten for reality to sink in. And that's still a maybe.
I'm a New Yorker. I don't agree with you. I think we're just living in an era where everyone has a camera in their hand, so videos of people freaking out always goes viral. So many of the really rough areas, especially in Brooklyn, have become so gentrified in the last 20-30.

But, of course, neighborhoods are different, and I'm not familiar with all of them.
I just can't get over the arrogance of people thinking that them personally looking around and reading vibes is a better guide to what's going on in a huge city than data. Or the further arrogance of thinking that believing evidence is just an attempt to gaslight them.