MNN (First Trailer for NEED FOR SPEED Starring Aaron Paul)

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Directors Joe and Anthony Russo come out on stage followed by stars Frank Grillo, Emily Van Camp, Cobie Smulders, Anthony Mackie, Sebastian Stan, Samuel L. Jackson, Scarlett Johansson, and Chris Evans.

Johansson says Black Widow is integral to Winter Soldier, and she shares the movie with Evans. There
THE WINTER SOLDIER Footage Description from Comic-Con


It begins with a fantastic scene of Cap riding in an elevator. He’s alone, wearing his costume (no helmet) with the shield on his back. He’s lonely. The elevator stops and two men board led by Grillo’s character. Grillo’s character and Cap tersely acknowledge each other, and the elevator continue to go up. The process repeats with more men getting on at multiple stops—some are dressed as agents, others are soldiers. It’s a great visual metaphor for the sinister forces working alongside and closing in around Rogers. Captain Amerian can sense their malovelent intentions towards him and he says, “Anyone who wants can still get off.” No one moves, Cap hits the emergency stop, and the fight begins. Despite the cramped quarters and handheld cameras, it’s a thrilling fight with Cap taking on eight or nine guys. The Russos capture the action perfectly, and it’s cut together in a way that we move with the momentum of the fight rather than just trying to keep up with it.

After Captain beats up his attackers, we move on to the rest of the trailer which is a big montage. One key moment is Fury telling Rogers, “We have to deal with the world as it is; not how we’d like it to be,” and Rogers responding, “That’s not freedom. That’s fear”. We also see the return as well as the destruction of the helicarrier. We see Falcon fly and firing guns at a helicopter that’s chasing him and trying to shoot him down. There are also a lot of fisticuffs on display from Natasha, and although the action has its own flavor, we don’t see much of the gritty spy stuff. Admittedly, it’s difficult to translate that an assault of images. The closing shot is Cap’s shield embedded in the ground, and we see a bionic arm grab the top of it. We pan up to reveal our first official look at the unmasked Winter Soldier.

CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER Footage Description from Comic-Con
THOR: THE DARK WORLD Footage Description from Comic-Con


How was Marvel going to top the excitement of seeing all the cast of X-Men: Days Of Future Past onstage? Why, simple: just bring out Tom Hiddleston, in costume as Loki, to berate the crowd and whip them into a Thor: The Dark World-loving frenzy.

And finally, as the entire place chanted his name, the clip played. The footage shown began with a fight, Sif and the Warriors Three in a rural village fighting off pillagers of some sort. A rainbow bridge appears and Mjolnir flies out from it, followed by Thor. "I told you I had it under control," says Sif. "Is that why everything's on fire?" grins Thor. Just as the marauders fell back, there's a roar and a 15' rock monster appears to challenge the God of Thunder. He roars. "I accept your surrender," grins Thor. He's clearly regained his swagger since New York, smashing the monster to small pebbles.

We see bits we've already tasted in the trailer: Thor collecting Jane from London; Thor visiting Loki in prison, Rene Russo's Frigga looking worried and Anthony Hopkins' Odin warning of the dark. Idris Elba's Heimdall turns up, looking serious and warning of the threat to come. But there was lots of Loki here, first being threatened by Thor's friends if he dares betray his brother again, and then being punched in the face by Natalie Portman's Jane Foster ("That's for New York!").

There's a lot more of Jane here; this footage very much gave off the vibe that this is more of a love story than the first one was, with the pair snogging in both Asgard and on Earth. But Jane's clearly in danger too, again in both places, as Loki's suddenly-but-inevitably betrays his brother again to get another shot at revenge against Earth. And shockingly, as Thor is knocked to his knees before his enemies and reaches out his hand to summon Mjolnir, Loki's blade comes down and seemed, just before the footage ended, to sever his brother's hand. Shock!

THOR: THE DARK WORLD Footage Description from Comic-Con 2013
Comic-Con: Marvel Surprises with GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY Panel


Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige was greeted with great applause when he introduced director James Gunn and the entire main cast of Guardians of the Galaxy earlier today in Hall H, all of whom flew in from the London set just to appear on the panel and are immediately flying back. While filming only just got underway two weeks ago, fans were treated to the excellent debut of some footage from the pic

Feige introduced James Gunn and cast members Michael Rooker (Yondu), Karen Gilliam (Nebula), Djimon Hounsou (Koraf), Lee Pace (Ronan the Accuser), Benicio Del Toro (The Collector), David Bautista (Drax the Destroyer), Zoe Saldana (Gamora), and Chris Pratt (Star-Lord).

Chris Pratt is says that Star-Lord is "this guy who lives in space. He's kind of a jerk. He had a hard time as a kid and now he goes around space, making out with hot aliens girls. He's known as Star Lord. "Who calls him that? Mostly himself. "Through teaming up with these guys, he finds a purpose."

Zoe Saldana says she's been blue, so she's excited to try green. "She's an assassin from space", describes Saldana of her character, Gamora. Bautista says he's humbled to part of this production. He fought really hard for the role. He says it's something he wanted more than anything in his life. "When I got the job, I broke down and cried like a little baby."

Del Toro says that he hasn't started filming yet. Lee Pace is set to play the main villain Ronan the Accuser. Ronan Accusser is a very complicated Kree. He's a beast. Gillan still has her red hair. When emcee Chris Hardwick noted that Nebula is supposed to be bald, Gillam took off a wig to reveal that she has shaved her head for the role. She then promptly threw it into the audience.

Marvel Surprises with GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY Panel; Djimon Hounsou Joins Cast
GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY Footage Description at Comic-Con


Marvel rolled some footage from Guardians of the Galaxy at the San Diego Comic-Con, which they prefaced by saying they
New Concept Art, Display and Photo for GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY

Press Release: Guardians of the Galaxy, the next epic adventure from Marvel Studios has started shooting at the UK


Marvel President Kevin Feige is about to leave the stage in Hall H following the panels for Thor: The Dark World, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, and Guardians of the Galaxy. An amped up crowd is shouting


The Hunger Games: Catching Fire cast made their first appearance in Hall H during Lionsgate's panel Saturday. The crowd was fired up when a brand new trailer from the film debuted, showing all the action leading up to the Quarter Quell. As with the promotional footage shown before the first film, there was only a very brief glimpse of the actual arena. In the final moment of the tension-filled trailer, Katniss (Jennifer Lawrence) is seen standing on her platform in the arena, surrounded by water.

The panel included director Francis Lawrence, and stars Jennifer Lawrence, Hemsworth, Josh Hutcherson, Lenny Kravitz, Jena Malone, Jeffrey Wright and Willow Shields. Jennifer Lawrence, always blunt, told a hilarious story about a kissing scene between her and Hutcherson, which led to a lot of snot being exchanged. The often self-deprecating actress had the crowd in giggles, sharing stories about her clumsy running, and the time she accidentally hit herself in the face with her bow.

Comic-Con: Catching Fire' Trailer Debuts at Lionsgate Panel
Description of GODZILLA Footage Shown at Comic-Con


First Showing - Like Cloverfield on steroids. First half shows intimate moments, lots of action, emotion of people running through a world. Then it starts on an action scene of another 4-legged giant monster terrorizing a city. All of a sudden you see Godzilla walking in. A helicopter gets swatted and blows up half of an airport, all of a sudden the foot of Godzilla sets down. And all of a sudden there's a big roar. Final shot is a big, huge Godzilla standing up above the other monster, dwarfing it and the roar. Sounds perfect. Chills.

Superhero Hype - The WB and Legendary logos in Black and white. Soldiers running through the streets. A flooded city. Cranston takes off a radiation suit. Olsen crying. Paratroopers leaping out of a plane. Missles being loaded. A massive kaiju beast that ISN'T Godzilla! It looks like a massively scaled insect with long spider legs. It's attacking a dock. Soldiers are fighting it. But a massive scaled foot comes down. It's Gozilla! He's HUGE. He makes the other creature look tiny and moves to attack it! We don't see his face yet, but it looks like the classic Godzilla! The footage cuts away to a "2014" logo. As far as the other creature, think a combination of the Cloverfield monster and a bug from Starship Troopers .

San Diego Comic-Con 2013: GODZILLA Footage Description From Legendary Panel
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First Reactions to New GODZILLA Footage Shown at Comic-Con


Ethan Anderson - "GODZILLA footage shows shots of the cast before revealing another monster attacking an airport, creating a domino effect of exploding planes. GODZILLA footage finishes with the King of Monsters creeping up on this other creature. Still no full body reveal, but it was cool."

Eric Walkuski - "New Godzilla tease: Godzilla fighting a giant praying mantis-like creature at an airport. Looks terrific and very serious."

Devin Faraci - "GODZILLA trailer was good. Strong disaster movie vibe. Another monster, a hooded mantis thing, dwarfed by Godzilla."

Nina Garin - "Second clip shown. A bit more #Godzilla shown. Guys, he is really terrifying."

Henri Mazza - "Godzilla footage looks great, but we need to retire the whole "fade to black, then add roar sound effect" from all trailers."

Russ Fischer - "GODZILLA footage, brief, looks AWESOME. Spindly, insectoid Kaiju attacking airport, then Godzilla shows up, HUGE."

Peter Sciretta - "Omg omg omg the new Godzilla movie looks awesome. So excited to see more!"

Manny - "The clip features an incredible fight scene set at an airport with godzillas foot being larger than one of the planes."

Eric Vespe - "New footage looked great. Multiple monsters, ended in an airport fight. Big Green comes in, standing massively taller than the huge kaiju"

SDCC '13: First Reactions To GODZILLA Footage With Description Of Second Monster
First Image from DAWN OF THE APES; Comic-Con Recap

Fox’s sequel Dawn of the Planet of the Apes is one of the big summer tentpoles of 2014, and the film debuted some footage at Comic-Con in Hall H earlier today. During the panel, director Matt Reeves (Let Me In) and cast members Jason Clarke, Keri Russell, and Serkis talked about focusing the story on Caesar, moving forward with a series in which the final outcome is already known, and much, much more.

Reeves said they wanted to do a Caesar-centric story that takes place in the world of the apes, working on a grander scale. This is a story about how we get from Rise to the original Planet of the Apes. Reeves was excited because we know where the story goes, but it’s now all about how we get there. He said the movie is really about character and psychology.

Serkis says one of the challenges was portraying Caesar as a leader who has evolved with responsibility. He wants to inject the ape society with some of the humanity that he grew up with. rise-of-the-planet-of-the-apesAll of the apes together are strong, and not only is Caesar 10 years older, he has a wife and infant baby and teenage son. He also oversees a Council of Apes. It’s about what the choices are with the reaction to the arrival of the humans. We see Caesar and the other apes learning to communicate with not just words but also sign language and gestures. It’s a rich and fertile ground for exploring the inner ape and reflecting a lot about humanity.


First Image from DAWN OF THE PLANET OF THE APES; Comic-Con Recap
DAWN OF THE APES Footage Description from Comic-Con


Director Matt Reeves debuted the first footage for Dawn of the Planet of the Apes at San Diego Comic Con 2013. It takes 10-12 weeks to create one ape shot, so he cautioned that there wouldn’t be a lot of shots of apes.

The fairly short reel of footage focused mostly on the humans, as we were treated to shots of the post-apocalyptic society while Gary Oldman’s character made a sort of rallying speech. The footage gave me a strong The Road vibe, as the human society has devolved into chaos. There’s a great deal of intensity brewing, and we saw some fleeting images of Oldman firing a gun, structures overrun with grass, and Clarke’s character hiding behind a wall. Oldman mentioned in his speech that the humans spent four years fighting the virus and another four years fighting each other, and it has clearly taken its toll on the society.

The final shot of the footage opened close on the eyes of a fully-rendered Caesar sporting a bit of white war paint on his face and chest, and it slowly pulled back to reveal Caesar flanked by a number of other apes, with Caesar holding a staff in his hand and signaling for the other apes to hold. His face is intense, and as he drops his hand to signal a “charge,” the footage cut to black and revealed the Dawn of the Planet of the Apes logo.

DAWN OF PLANET OF THE APES Footage Description from San Diego Comic-Con
X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST Cast Sends Hall H Into Frenzy


Fox brought out the entire cast of X-Men: Days of Future Past for Comic-Con, sending Hall H into pandemonium. Ellen Page, Shawn Ashmore, Anna Paquin, Halle Berry, Ian McKellan, Patrick Stewart, Hugh Jackman, James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, Nicholas Hoult, Peter Dinklage, and several others were introduced to a roaring crowd that was screaming after every other sentence from the actors.
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First Footage Revealed for X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST


Immediately after the panel for The Wolverine ends, Hugh Jackman brings Bryan Singer up on stage. Says they’re a year out and a lot of the effects are unfinished, but he did cut something together. It’s in 3D:

So many mutants but the core is that we see Xavier, Magneto, Storm, and Wolverine in the future. Xavier says they need to send Logan’s mind back to his younger body and convince young Xavier and young Magneto to avert the disastrous future. In the future, we see the cast members from the first three movies in dark, futuristic-looking clothing but not cheesy. It’s austere, and so is the landscape, not the ragged, post-apocalypse from the comics.

When Wolverine goes back, we see the First Class members, and young Xavier looks absolutely beaten and tired. We then go through a big montage of almost all the characters. Memorable moments include Beast trying to drown young Magneto, and a young Magneto using his power to drag a helpless Mystique towards him. The trailer finishes out with young Xavier shouting, “I don’t want your future!” We then go to a two-shot with young Xavier and old Xavier facing each other. Old Xavier tells his younger self, “Please. We need you to hope again.”

First Footage Revealed for X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST at Comic-Con
Batman/Superman Movie Possible Title is BATMAN VS. SUPERMAN?

Batman-vs-Superman-Logo-01-Dragonlord.jpg did a little research, figuring that Warner Bros. would likely have registered the domain name that they would want to use for the title for their upcoming Superman/Batman movie. It turns out that Warner Bros. owns both and, which could be used to protect comic book titles as well as movie titles. However, they found out that Warner Bros. had only registered but not

Screenwriter David S. Goyer told the audience at the Superman 75th Anniversary Panel: "We’re actually not sure whether the title is Superman vs. Batman or Batman vs. Superman but yes, it’s–that rematch, that combination, the two guys onscreen and that’s happening." It’s very telling that out of all the most likely combinations with movie in the name, is the only one Warner Bros. seems to own, which matches with one of the two titles that David S. Goyer narrowed it down to.

Warner Bros.' Batman/Superman Movie Possible Title is BATMAN VS. SUPERMAN?
First Clip from AGENT CARTER Shows Peggy in Action
(Posted first by Xion385 in the Captain America 2 thread)


Marvel Studios premiered the latest in its One-Shot series of shorts at San Diego's Comic-Con, and the first clip has landed online. The action-noir story picks up with British operative Peggy Carter just a year after Captain America: The First Avenger left off, with Hayley Atwell's character now working in New York for the watchdog group that will eventually become S.H.I.E.L.D.

The problem is that Carter is stuck with a desk job, doing the kind of busywork her chauvinist boss (The West Wing's Bradley Whitford) thinks is suitable for a woman. Then one night when the office is empty except for her, a call comes in. A voice (provided by Iron Man 3 director Shane Black) tells her that the enigmatic "Zodiac" has been located, and three to five agents are necessary. Agent Carter ventures off to find it on her own.

The short also co-stars Dominic Cooper as industrialist Howard Stark, Tony's father and one of those helping shape the new global crime-fighting team. There are a few cameos, too. Louis D'Esposito, who also directed last year's One-Shot short, Item 47, returns to helm the short and continues to expand the series to feature more ambitious storytelling. Agent Carter can be seen in its entirety on the Iron Man 3 Blu-ray, out Sept. 24.

Marvel debuts 'Agent Carter' One-Shot at Comic-Con -- Exclusive Clip
THE WOLVERINE to Have a Bloodier Unrated Cut on DVD/Blu-Ray


Digital Spy recently sat down with director James Mangold to discuss his career and his upcoming superhero movie, The Wolverine. The director let a few things slip, including that "a slightly more violent version... let's say an unrated, a bloodier version" will be released when the DVD/Blu-Ray hits stores later this year. While this is exciting news for those fans who wanted a badass/more violent Wolverine, the director also says that despite the PG-13 rating on the theatrical release, fans of the comic book character should still go see the film.

The director also revealed that "people have buzzed around my interest in them [comic book movies] before and I've been curious about them before, but I've always gotten the sense, from the harrowing tales of other directors' experiences, that they largely become things that are out of their control."

THE WOLVERINE Will Receive "Bloodier" Unrated Cut Says Director James Mangold
Fantastic First Posters for X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST

One of the best panels at Comic-Con this year was for director Bryan Singer’s ambitious sequel X-Men: Days of Future Past. Not only did the footage look great, but the Q&A with nearly the entire cast made for a funny, engaging, and earnest conversation. Singer and many of the actors onstage—including Hugh Jackman, Ian McKellan, and Patrick Stewart—made the trek to Comic-Con over a decade ago with the first X-Men film, and now they were making a triumphant return the place where it all started. Everyone onstage seemed genuinely grateful to the fans for embracing them all those years ago, and the panel fittingly ended with a standing ovation.

In celebration of the Comic-Con appearance, Fox has now unveiled a couple of swell posters for the film, which tease the time-travel element of the story as we see the different versions of Professor X (Stewart and James McAvoy) and Magneto (McKellan and Michael Fassbender). X-Men: Days of Future Past opens on May 16, 2014.



The Past Meets the Future in First Posters for X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST
Chuck Palahniuk Working on FIGHT CLUB Sequel Graphic Novel


A Fight Club sequel is happening, though not in the way that you might expect. Author Chuck Palahniuk has announced that he is working on a sequel to his 1996 novel Fight Club, though this time he will be telling the story in graphic novel form. Palahniuk announced the news at Comic-Con this past weekend, revealing that the story takes place 10 years later and is told from Tyler’s point of view. Tyler is still lurking inside Jack, and when Jack and Marla’s son goes missing (kidnapped by Tyler), Jack is pulled back into the world of Mayhem. Palahniuk promises that the sequel will again be “dark and messy,” but due to contract obligations it won’t be coming to fruition for a while. Palahniuk’s statement via

"About the graphic novel, it’s true. Chelsea Cain has been introducing me to artists and creators from Marvel, DC and Dark Horse, and they’re walking me through the process. It will likely be a series of books that update the story ten years after the seeming end of Tyler Durden. Nowadays, Tyler is telling the story, lurking inside Jack, and ready to launch a come-back. Jack is oblivious. Marla is bored. Their marriage has run aground on the rocky coastline of middle-aged suburban boredom. It’s only when their little boy disappears, kidnapped by Tyler, that Jack is dragged back into the world of Mayhem."

"It will, of course, be dark and messy. Due to contract obligations it can’t come to light for a while. Next year is “Beautiful You,” followed by the story collection. But since the Fight Club sequel will appear serialized in graphic form, my book publisher might allow me to launch it earlier than 2015."

Chuck Palahniuk Working on FIGHT CLUB Sequel Graphic Novel
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