MMA is no less Limiting than Boxing, both are SPORTS with rules

In response to Conor.

Everyone seems to think boxing is limited and MMA is a full real fight


Boxing is a sport with rules

MMA is a sport with different rules

Neither is a streetfight

Things like eye gouges, groin strikes, strikes to the throat/ears ,soccer kicks, improvised weapons, mates jumping in, strikes to back of the neck make it a whole different beast

MMA training and Boxing training does give someone certain skills like conditioning, distancing and timing, concepts of power generations etc which no doubt help in a street fight, but definitely not the same thing

In my city, there was a fight outside a nightclub, idiot A shot at idiot B, took him to the ground with a double leg and ended up on top of idiot B. a mate of idiot B knocked out idiot A cold with a nearby piece of rock. Idiot A was a sitting target as he as on top of idiot B but unable to defend against any other attackers who he just didn;t see coming

That is the reality of the street. There are no rules. Techniques and strategies need to be totally different to any combat sport.
MMA is a combat sport not combat/reality based interactions. MMA can greatly help a person overcome situations they find themselves.

Grappling in real life situations though can turn bad real quick.
MMA is obviously less limiting than boxing. The last I heard; choking, cranking, kicking, knees, elbows and take downs were all forbidden in boxing.
MMA - like the old western movies with fair pistol dual in center of main street

Street fight - like the real old west where guy would wait behind bushes ambush you and blow back of your head off as you walked out of saloon
Boxing and MMA are very far from real fighting, real fighting you are either jumping a guy or getting jumped, non of this fisticuffs bullshit.
yeah TS.. you're wrong.

1 handed fighting is not more limited than boxing both are sports with rules.

now get out of here.
The word limiting.. think about that word and read the title of your thread... then think about it again.
What a dumb post. A sport where you can only use your hands and even with that you have restrictions is obviously more limiting than MMA.
Your right OP, but guess what style of fighting allows you to use anything and get away with it? Pro wrasslin! goat combat sport.
Streetfighting is for bums and degenerates. MMA fans obsession with "real fights" is silly af. Who cares, this aint street fighter 2, they're sports.

I love both sports. MMA has more facets but if you compare the striking boxing is much deeper. Guys started moving their feet a bit and people start calling it 'neo footwork' like they reinvented some shit.
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This is a very strange thread;

TS writes a long winded post thinking that he is bringing mind blowing visionary knowledge to the masses, when in fact, nearly anyone with half a brain knows full well that MMA is not street fighting. It is, I would assume, common knowledge.

I'm sure when those of us with half a brain read about someone being clobbered with a rock while in the mount in a street fight, weren't particularly shocked that his MMA training wasn't sufficient to defend against such smash side head with rock attacks.
Come to think of it, a quarter of a brain would probably suffice when it comes to understanding that particular concept.

There is a major problem with your premise here as well TS. You are saying that boxing & MMA are equally limited in their ability to prepare someone for a street fight situation, & you go on to explain that; this is because of these particular sports' limiting rules. However, it seems quite clear to me, as I'm sure it is to my quarter, half, or full brained sherdog brothers & sisters, that the sport with more limitations & rules (boxing) is more limiting?

I rest my case.
Well it's more limiting because there's a bunch of things you can do in MMA that you can't do in boxing. The opposite is not true, there is nothing you can do in boxing that you can't do in MMA.

Both sports don't allow "unsportsmanlike conduct" and sucker strikes, that don't make them limited. Got it?
I guess Kimbo Slice is more real of a fighter then, since he's been in street fights.
I really think this line of thinking comes from people who for some reason won't go to the gym and train but still want to believe they're tough guys who can hang with those who do.

I'm not sure what else would bring about this idea. It's almost as if they don't think an MMA fighter can use what they've learned in the gym in the streets. It's a massive advantage no matter how you look at it
In response to Conor.

Everyone seems to think boxing is limited and MMA is a full real fight


Boxing is a sport with rules

MMA is a sport with different rules

Neither is a streetfight

Things like eye gouges, groin strikes, strikes to the throat/ears ,soccer kicks, improvised weapons, mates jumping in, strikes to back of the neck make it a whole different beast

MMA training and Boxing training does give someone certain skills like conditioning, distancing and timing, concepts of power generations etc which no doubt help in a street fight, but definitely not the same thing

In my city, there was a fight outside a nightclub, idiot A shot at idiot B, took him to the ground with a double leg and ended up on top of idiot B. a mate of idiot B knocked out idiot A cold with a nearby piece of rock. Idiot A was a sitting target as he as on top of idiot B but unable to defend against any other attackers who he just didn;t see coming

That is the reality of the street. There are no rules. Techniques and strategies need to be totally different to any combat sport.

MMA is infinitely closer to the real thing than boxing... JS...
This is where i disagree. Despite the differences,BOTH are fighting.
technically yes but MMA is a far better representation or far closer in realism.
Boxing is like a gentlemen's agreement to use only fists and fight on the feet like a "man".
Don't forget the original MMA was Vale Tudo where it was NHB. It just evolved to have more rules to appeal to a broader audience.
Boxing and MMA are both limited because guys aren't allowed to shoot each other?

da fuk?
Grappling in real life situations though can turn bad real quick.

Not anymore than anything else,imo. It depends on how you use it. No one is gonna pull fucking guard but if you slam someone to the ground on their head,then the fights over. It is bad for them!
if you can control someone,its better for you. Im very glad to have wrestling knowledge than not have it,to defend myself.