MMA is a poor man's sport... :/

Show Cecilia Braekhus tree
Joanna made (according to Forbes estimates) $2.1m in 2016. Probably more. She's doing alright considering WMMA is such a young sport.
Floyds house looks like a shopping mall

I wouldn’t wanna live in it
Have you seen the prices of some of these BJJ gyms? Boxing is the true poor man's sport.

MMA is definitely a middle class sport. In fact taking up MMA is probably more expensive than tennis or golf, which have traditionally been considered sports for posh rich people.
If I had to choose, I'd rather hang out with JJ.

Floyd can build a pyramid with his money and be buried with all his possessions.
Floyd Mayweather is the face of MMA.
LOL Dear god... Floyd's house is the epitome of American nouveau riche cheesiness.

I'd say more the epitome of Las Vegas cheese. There is more. Much more.
I find it amusing that Joanna's tree is directly underneath an icon of the Holy Family, while the nearest religious image to Floyd's tree seems to be a Buddhist statue.
I'm sure there are poor people who spend beyond their means and show off more than Mayweather.

I guess Christmas size is a measure of wealth now?