MMA fighters max lifts

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Purple Belt
Nov 23, 2005
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Does anybody here know any information on the best lifts by any pro fighters? I know that Matt Hughes is supposed to be strong but I have no idea what he lifts. I would only really be interested in knowing max benches, squats and deadlifts, although I know that they do many other exercises to help with speed and power. I am 5' 10" and weigh between 180-185 so I guess I would like to know what the best WWs and MWs lift since they are closer to my weight. I'm just curious as to how much stronger they are than me. I have been working out for about 4 years and I have just started doing BJJ, athough I did karate for years when I was younger. I take protein shakes and occasionally creatine. I think that it would give me something realistic to aim for, since the numbers put up by pro bodybuilders that you see in bodybuilding magazines are well out of range due to the fact that I do not take steroids. Currently I train more for strength (usually in the 4-6 rep range) to help with BJJ more than anything else.
I believe they have said that Hughes does something like 5's, 400, 5's.
CarnalSalvation said:
I believe they have said that Hughes does something like 5's, 400, 5's.

Is that 400 for squat, bench or dead?
no matt said in interviews he does 4-500 squat and around a 300 bench. so... not amazingly strong for some who is rumored to walk around at 180-190.
cockysprinter said:
no matt said in interviews he does 4-500 squat and around a 300 bench. so... not amazingly strong for some who is rumored to walk around at 180-190.

Yeah that's what I thought. I can't bench 300 my 1RM is around 260-70 so I guess I could get there in about two years. But I guess that he must be pretty good at weightlifting, e.g. clean and jerk or snatch. By the looks of their physiques GSP certainly appears stronger. Does anyone know how much Franklin can lift? He is always ripped for his fights and looks like a very big MW.
Nobody will ever be able to substantiate any of the claims of these fighters without cinematic proof. I'm closing this thread cause it's fruitless.
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