mixing up burpees and weights??

i was wondering what you guys thought about how i should mix these things up? First, of all i try to lift 3x times a week. i focus on bench, wide grip chins, squats, power cleans, clapping pushups, and sometimes barbell rows on every workout. I usually do a speed and explosive day on Mon 6 sets of 3 @ 60% of max, a midrange workout on Wed 3-4 sets of 6-8 reps leaving two in the bag. and a heavy workout on Fri 6 sets of 2 reps @90% then i take 2 full days of rest and repeat. My question is if start throwing in burpees on tuesday, thur, and maybe sat. is this overtraining? I really want to start getting in better shape. I love hitting the weights so i don't want to give that up. But i've done burpees a while back and they really help out your gpp and your overall athletisim.I'm worried if that is to much pressing for my shoulders. I do burpees explosively. I really propel myself of the ground into mid air when i do them. It would seem that i'm doing some sort of pressing movement 6 days a week. I'm 30 going on 31 and i don' want to blow you my shoulders.
I hate clapping pressups-they can really fuck up your wrists. I strongly advise against doing them, they are one of the contributing factors in me having a totaled left wrist.
SmashiusClay said:
I hate clapping pressups-they can really fuck up your wrists. I strongly advise against doing them, they are one of the contributing factors in me having a totaled left wrist.

I agree on this completely. I hurt my wrist doing clap pushups, took months to get full strength back in it. No way I'm doing those again no matter how strong I get my wrists...

Henry Swanson

Excitement’s my game
May 19, 2003
Reaction score
Just try it out and see how you feel. I lift 2-3 times and at one point was doing burpees 4-5 times a week as well. I felt a little under-recovered so I cut back the burpees a bit and feel great.
Wtf? Why are my posts at the top of the page?
I have never had a problem doing clap pushups. And you guys are the first I've heard of people having problems. you were either too weak to be doing them, or doing too many. They're a plyometric exercise and should be done with low reps.
Hold on, guys. Why are Sonny's posts at the top of the page?
clearly because he posted in the thread before it was made. DUH!
Hold on, guys. Why are Sonny's posts at the top of the page?

Some guys in OT are having the same problem. Admin told me it happened because I had such a large penis.
Urban said:
I have never had a problem doing clap pushups. And you guys are the first I've heard of people having problems. you were either too weak to be doing them, or doing too many. They're a plyometric exercise and should be done with low reps.

My wrists may have been too weak for my weight, so perhaps that's true. They certainly were after performing said exercise. Now that my wrists have recovered I think I'll still skip the clap pushups, why tempt another injury.
Sonny said:
Some guys in OT are having the same problem. Admin told me it happened because I had such a large penis.
really? cause I heard it was a compensatory thing so you wouldn't feel so bad about your size... or lack there of. Anyways, I'm sticking with my original theory: sonny posted before the thread existed.
hey enough of the penis talk.. and lets get down to the burpees and weights!!!! lol
sprawl&brawl said:
hey enough of the penis talk.. and lets get down to the burpees and weights!!!! lol

Like I said before. Experiment with your schedule but don't decide or assume anything until you actually try it. It's like when I hear my buddies tell me that they're not gonna lift heavy today because they played volleyball yesterday so they're probably not gonna be able to lift as much as they usually would. They've made a decision about this before even touching a weight.
Yeah, sonny's right. You just need to get in there and move some weight. If you think you're too sapped from burpees, you won't perform. So many people get wrapped up in thinking that because they were active yesterday (played basketball, or wrestled or whatever) they won't perform today, and when you think that, you're right. it's a self-fulfilling profecy. but here's the truth: it's possible to squat heavy two days in a row, and if you can do that, you can surely squat the day after you did a bunch of burpees. just give it your all, and see what happens.