Law Mitt voted yes on impeachment

Did you notice their adherence to their understanding of morality based on belief in a higher power, even higher an authority *gasp!* than Donald J Trump?

Most of the Mormon’s I met weren’t hardcore.

Called themselves Jack Mormons... lol. You’d never know they were LDS unless they told you.

Strict Mormons are a different animal all together. Didn’t really too many
Most of the Mormon’s I met weren’t hardcore.

Called themselves Jack Mormons... lol. You’d never know they were LDS unless they told you.

Strict Mormons are a different animal all together. Didn’t really too many
I love learning new words and terms, thanks!
Is he putting "country first" when he votes down party lines like 90% of the time on Republican policies you feel are destroying the country? Or is it only when he selfishly goes out of his way to grandstand against orange man, that you feel he is a man of principles putting country before party?

You guys are really compiling a nice list of 24 hour superheros. John McCain, John Bolton(LOL), Mitt Romney...just absolute patriots, amirite? Surely you don't just love these guys because they have one particular thing in common. Surely this boils down to more than just Orange Man Bad, right?

Nobody called him a hero. And it's true, Republicans seem to believe that you must toe party lines at all time. No free political thought whatsoever. Notice how every Republican is a God-fearing, moral and true American until they buck heads with the degenerate in charge. Suddenly they're RINOs, traitors and career politicians. Bootlickers.

Do it, Laura!

Get rid of that Flip-flopping RINO Clown.
Hey, it's hard to argue against fundamentally sound reasoning!

Oh hey... if I’m wrong I’m wrong. But that’s seriously the only reasoning I can think of for that Mormon robot’s vote.
Oh hey... if I’m wrong I’m wrong. But that’s seriously the only reasoning I can think of for that Mormon robot’s vote.
How many o others voted the way he did?
Isn't the "robot vote" rather on the side of the "not guilty" rubber-stamp robots who wouldn't even examine the president's actions? Do you think they even pretended to give a damn whether THIS president followed the law or not?

I doubt much of the country got that impression.

Might just be general consensus that the dems had a strong hand that they overplayed, and that the reps are corrupt beyond belief.

Drain the swamp!

Do it, Laura!

Get rid of that Flip-flopping RINO Clown.

Yeah. Good luck with that. Primary the mormon icon in Utah. Brilliant.

Laura Igraham is bullshitting, as usual. She won't do anything of the sort because it's patently ridiculous.

Further...I feel like people don't understand when Romney is actually up for reelection again.

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