Mitt Romney - "My name is reek"...

Your ire is that he said "thank you" instead of "fuck you?" I thought Americans were clamoring for more decorum and less indecorous behavior from politicians.

It's a senate race, he said thanks for the support -- the horror!

He could also respectfully decline the endorsement. That's an option too.
Just another cowardly Republican without a shred of integrity who rolled over for Trump.
I would back him if he challenges in 2020. Hopefully that's what he's doing. It would be nice to have an insurance policy that didn't include Mike Pence.

Not that he'll do better in 2020 than he did in 2016 but all signs seem to indicate that Kasich is going to challenge him again. He just came out calling for Common Sense Gun laws.

He's still massively Pro Life (Although he did oppose the Heartbeat Bill) but has been fairly moderate in regards to the Tax Bill and ACA.

is this not one of the greatest pictures ever taken lol .. absolutely perfect timing
He could also respectfully decline the endorsement. That's an option too.

Sure, or say thanks. Either way, benign incident to get huff and puff over. Like how Bernie bots got riled up after he backed Clinton
Typical politician behaviour. Romney is a two faced dirt bag.
Fixed that. And I stand by it after Bernie sold off his soul to endorse Killary after getting fucking fucked hard by the DNC.
Like I get WHY, from his perspective he did that but ultimately it makes him as bad of a political hack as a twatwaffle like McCain is.

With McCain it's always "I WAS A POW!" when he's up for re-election... then fucking silence and he does SHIT to help vets while in office.
Party lines are more important than hurt feelings.
I would back him if he challenges in 2020. Hopefully that's what he's doing. It would be nice to have an insurance policy that didn't include Mike Pence.
And excluded Paul Ryan as well. But totally agree here, the country would be better off if Romney ran.
I have a fairly high number of posts criticizing Romney, but I am failing to see where he yielded to Trump. Have our politics degraded to the point where basic decency towards one another is seen as yielding? Also, he simply had dinner with Trump, let's not see things that aren't there.
It was a half hearted acknowledgment and a strong pivot that he cares about the people of Utah.

Yeah, like Mitt getting the nomination isn't already in the fucking bag for the Mormon Richie Rich.
I still can’t believe Obama beat Romney in 2012. If the dems didn’t rig the election our country would be very different right now. Romney is a great man and very intelligent.

I would be interested in what evidence you have of rigging.
I would be interested in what evidence you have of rigging.

Illegals voting, dead people voting, etc. After the proof of democrats meddling in the 2016 election its common sense that they used these tactics in 2012.
they must have bonded over Obama jokes
Do you rememebr when they staged him going grocery shopping and eating at Subway? Shit was priceless.
I take no issue with Romney here, now if he invited out to Utah that would be different

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