lol You say "black guy" as if we were talking about a gerbil. This is his friend we're talking about. Probably his BEST friend. There are 6 MI movies, and "black guy" has been in ALL of them. The first movie came out in 1997. Do you think he was just going to easily let his best friend die if he has the power to save him?
And you're not even setting up the scene correctly. The way that you are describing it, it's like the bad guy had one finger on a nuclear bomb button, and the other finger is on the trigger of a gun pointed at his friend's head, and Cruise chose his friend.
That's NOT what happened. The plutonium was NEXT to Cruise. He had no reason to believe that it would get taken from him. Holding "the black guy" hostage was just a distraction so that another bad guy could swipe the brief case.
By Cruise firing his weapon at the bulletproof vest of his friend, the only life he knowingly put in danger, was his friend''s. He didn't expect for the plutonium to be stolen from him from behind.
Furthermore, the theme of "The few vs the many" was a theme they brought up THROUGHOUT the movie. The CIA boss and Lark criticized Hunt for it, the secretary brought it up, and the theme was explored multiple times with his teammates, as well as the situations he had to go through when he was undercover. (changing the plan so that the police didn't die, and not just killing that female cop. If 1/3 of the population was in danger, then , by your logic, he should have just killed all the cops. THAT was the moral dilemma the movie discussed. )
The bearded, main bad guy did NOT want Cruise to die. He wanted to get revenge, and wanted him to suffer. 'John Lark' had to keep Hunt alive because that is what the main bad dude ordered.
Hunt's ex-wife was in the movie because the bad guy wanted her to die, along with anyone else Hunt cared about. The wife and the doctor said that they got a sudden call about a village that needed help....that wasn't a coincidence. It was by design. By the bad guy.
Lark was upset with bearded bad guy because he was making the mission personal, but if he didn't follow through on his instructions then he wouldn't get the nukes.
lol the rest of your rants are nonsense. It's an action movie! You really expect them to go by the 15 minute time countdown in real life? The point was, that there is a time limit, they need to get shit done quick.
And anyways, Iisla SAW the main bad guy standing outside, which is how she found the bomb.
A super spy/soldier figured out how to steer and crash a helicopter??? Wow. So much unbelievable.
A movie starring Tom Cruise being mostly about Tom Cruise's shit.
Jesus Christ, man.