Misleading movie trailers

MC Paul Barman

Gold Belt
Platinum Member
Mar 6, 2002
Reaction score
Dusk to Dawn.
99.9% of the people in that theater had no idea that it was going to turn into a vampire/horror film.

15 minutes into the vampire reveal, when the filmgoers were realizing that this was not some dream sequence.... people started leaving the theater.
Odd to see that many people just walking about - but I'd say about 1/3rd of the theater cleared out.
Pearl Harbor.

The first trailers for that made it out to seem more like film interested in the mass drama of the event.... but it turns out to be some gawd-awful love triangle film.
Dusk to Dawn.
99.9% of the people in that theater had no idea that it was going to turn into a vampire/horror film.

15 minutes into the vampire reveal, when the filmgoers were realizing that this was not some dream sequence.... people started leaving the theater.
Odd to see that many people just walking about - but I'd say about 1/3rd of the theater cleared out.
That's a horseshit lie. 15 minutes into the vampire sequence is well past this sequence:

Nobody walked out. Nobody could move. NOBODY COULD BREATHE.
The Book Eli.

Turns out, it sucked.

trailer starts at :23 second mark. It makes the movie look like it's gonna be good.....
I remember when I was a kid the preview for fifth element had nothing to do with the actual movie lol
What was misleading about TDKR trailer?

It led some people to believe that it was going to be more like TKD that it really was. It didn't say in the trailer it was 8 years later or that Bruce Wayne had long since become a recluse. Or how little Batman there actually was in the film, being more of a character study on Bruce Wayne fighting to reclaim his cowl.

Don't get me wrong, I love the movie, but it's different from what the trailer presents.

Edit: The Teaser presented what the movie was much more than the trailers, in the trailers it was mostly Batman doing what Batman does, oh and Catwoman.
Adventureland - made out to be a hilarious summer comedy, instead some like shitty drama
Went into Inglourious Basterds expecting another kinda rubbish grindhouse effort but was pleasantly surprised
and to the other posters point, Transformers 2 was made out to be this Dark typical explosion fest that Michael Bay does, but instead it was like this cheesy long ass movie with two of the worst characters ever created for a film
I remember thinking A Beautiful Mind was a CIA flick with the commercials they were playing here.
I never saw the trailer to drunk till dawn but I sure as shit wasn't expecting the vampires
That's a horseshit lie. 15 minutes into the vampire sequence is well past this sequence:

Nobody walked out. Nobody could move. NOBODY COULD BREATHE.

Quentin Tarantino that motherfucker. He has a foot fetish, he wrote that part where he sucks her toez especially for him. She had some great feet too.
Breach was awful. The trailer actually made it seem like a thriller. It was actually just the CIA or FBI figuring out there was a rat 10 minutes into the film and trying to find proof the enitre movie by tailing a boring old man.