The fuck does "very illegal" mean? It's not just a little bit illegal?
The AP article says he didn't even seek this hooker out as an individual, he just sent a bunch of messages to hookers and this fake one responded, which was a cop who said it was a 17, and the guy looked it up and said he
Not sure if you know what "defending" means, but correcting your false claim is not "defending", it's telling you that the age TS claimed wasn't even correct, and the age he claimed wasn't even illegal in MN, but prostitution is. It's also illegal to solicit a 35 year old hooker, because it's soliciting a hooker, not the fake hooker pretending to be 17 that made it a crime in MN.
If the left would suddenly like to agree that 17 year olds are children and should not be allowed to make any sexual decisions, I completely agree, though something tells me it only applies to this specific case, and they still want condoms dispersed to teenagers and think 8 year olds are old enough to consent to genital mutilation and chemical castration.
It might well be 18 federally, but I think that's really only applied to interstate cases where the state charging would be ambiguous, but maybe we could also agree on the federal government superceding states where something is legal, like sanctuary states, and the feds conducting sting operations in states where weed is legal.
Age of consent is 16 in Indiana also, but where does it say that's where it was? It says Bloomington, MN, which is next to Minneapolis, and he was arrested by Hennepin county police, which btw is the same county where the left wanted the police abolished. Feel free to post your sourc on three year age gap. The one I saw was some law firm that cited the legal statute where the age gap only matters if the person is a teacher or coach or some position of authority, which is what this guy told the imaginary girl over the text.
I think age of consent is 17 when do ya turn 18," the suspect responded, to which officers behind the profile said "I don’t turn 18 till December."
"It’s says age of consent is 16 …… over 18 is in a position of authority over you like a teacher or friends parent," the man identified as Eichorn responded.