Mike Perry Might Actually Be Smart

Pretty sure the Baldfather put a nix on him auctioning off his corner, otherwise literally every fighter would do it. Bet your ass some people would pay stupid money to do it.
Danas just mad UFC wont get a prt of it.
Lots of bad corner advice out there, but you picked a bad example. GSP told Greg that he pulled his groin, and greg answered "I don't care...Hit him with your groin!".It was not fight advice, it was pep talk.
And calling Mike Perry smart is like calling a lottery millionaire a good businessman because he played the lottery. Also he seems to be a shit human being, which is why so many Sherbros love him.
Perry Derangement Syndrome here haha
Perry Derangement Syndrome here haha
There is an actual syndrome named after him? I didn't know he was handicapped in some way, but it does explain a lot. Hats of for him for doing as well as he can with what limited capabilities he has.
but he's the first one to come up with the idea of turning it into cash. He may be the smartest man in MMA.
He didn’t turn jack shit into cash. Dana already said the whole “selling of his corner man spots” shtick will not be allowed.
That explains why Diego Sanchez has a motivational life coach in his corner instead of an MMA coach.
He had a pretty genius idea of selling off his corner, however the stupidity oozed out of him once he announced it for the world to see, Dana and the commission obviously wouldn't let that slide.

Selling off his corner?
What is he? A drug dealer?

Genius :D
When they do give actual strategy advice, the fighters never follow it. For example, in one of GSP's fights, master cornerman Greg Jackson was telling GSP "Hit him with your groin!" Did GSP hit him with his groin? No he did not.
Even a Monkey with a machine gun can hit a few targets in a crowded room...
In general corner coaches are overrated. Pep talks mostly. I don’t think the absence in Mike’s case will matter one way or another. Mike is going to do what he wants so probably good to save the money.
No. He did something clever once. He is not smart
going to go out on a limb here and say that Perry didnt come up with the idea himself ...... lol
Mike is doing this to spite Greg Jackson and his old team there, nice catch
Forget Mike Perry. Is TS fucking with me with his Greg Jackson/GSP take? He’s fucking with me isn’t he?
Probably not though

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