

calf cruncher fan
Mar 7, 2002
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i was thinking about the "midget mma" thread and thought...if a normal average sized male screwed a midget chick, wouldnt it hurt her? think about it the average male is said to be 6" long, well that would put him somewhere half way up into her chest cavity...wouldnt that kill her...?

anybody in here screw a midget chick?
Originally posted by punkmother
i was thinking about the "midget mma" thread and thought...if a normal average sized male screwed a midget chick, wouldnt it hurt her? think about it the average male is said to be 6" long, well that would put him somewhere half way up into her chest cavity...wouldnt that kill her...?

anybody in here screw a midget chick?

I wish
I have all kinds of midget porn and the chicks are usually doing fullsized men. Doesnt seem to hurt them.

Originally posted by Wilhelm
I have all kinds of midget porn and the chicks are usually doing fullsized men. Doesnt seem to hurt them.


I have never had sex with a midget. I don't give a rats ass what those German tourists say.
My fathers cousin is a midget. Her husband is a normal sized man. they have two midget kids. The guy actualy has a very got normal sized girlfriend. amazing. That lucky bastard. They have good jobs as well. I just don't remember what they are.
It must be so annoying not being able to go on rides even when your an adult. Maybe someone should open the midget fair specialising in small rides. Mini Disney Land.

Midgets should stick to their own size for sex. Otherwise the kids would turn out half midget, one long arm and one small.

what a fuckin thread
i thought i had some porn collection..

but to have midget porn is a truly great achievement
Rumor is, Cesaro enjoys sex with midgets. He supposively is getting "Midget surgery." It's where they shorten your arms and legs to make you look like a midget. He told me that being so tall made it hard to poke the males in the behind. :rolleyes:
bridget is good lookin in da face. ive seen her gangbang after hearing about it on H stern. the girl can get down.
In some sick way I would spend the money to see a really fat guy or gal do a midget
Originally posted by InsanejuggaloStyle
In some sick way I would spend the money to see a really fat guy or gal do a midget

You find me a midget and I'll be that fat guy.