Exponentially less than what we make off them.
yea hate to have to correct you but can't let your stupidity continue in this thread. Illegals cost way more than they pay.
half don't pay federal taxes at all and they use more money than they pay in taxes, all while driving down wages. Now lets see if you have any integrity and will admit you are wrong or will you double down on your stupidity because you have been challenged.
A 2016
study by the Institute on Taxation & Economic Policy, a left-leaning research organization, estimated that undocumented immigrants pay $11.64 billion in state and local taxes in 2013, equivalent to about 8 percent of their total income.
This includes sales and excise taxes on goods and services ($6.9 billion), property taxes ($3.6 billion) and personal income taxes ($1.1 billion, assuming a 50 percent compliance rate).
The Heritage Foundation came up with a similar result in a 2013
report. It found that the average undocumented immigrant household paid $10,334 in taxes. About half of these 3.4 million households do not pay any taxes.
Using Heritage’s analysis, that would translate to about $17.6 billion paid in taxes.
Heritage noted that the average undocumented immigrant household received about $24,721 in government benefits and services (i.e. public education, welfare benefits and services like police and highways), resulting in a deficit of $14,387.