Meisha Tate working out


Sexy milf right there.
Right now , the bulge is naturally curving to the right( right handed but "rub one out"- left handed)
As with all fakes, they look good under clothing.

When you get your hands on em, bags of sand
FAKE body parts!


At least she doesn't have a fake ass.

Also, why are so many guys cool with fake tits, but not cool with a fake ass.

They are BOTH disgusting and...trashy to the Nth degree.
Incel flex
Why is there always some clowns that come in to comment about how they hate fake boobs when a miesha thread pops up? It's not like she just got them and it's not like anyone cares about some clown's holier than thou attitude regarding them

Those post pregnancy boobs looking good btw wood till nothing but dust came out
She looks good from the neck down. Otherwise, her face looks like it's trying to run away from her forehead in that picture. Not digging the hair color either.