Law Mayor Adams indicted?

What does Turkey get out of bribing the mayor of NY?
Expedited building permits. The Feds have been holding onto this inditment in their back pocket for right now.

Rumor in NY is that he was hanging with Diddy and they want to get him out of office before the vids get leaked.

Then there's the whole not supporting Kamala thing and speaking out against the immigrants even though the Fed gov is sending billions to NYC.

Additionally, he's been working on a few other grifts as well which he will be caught for.

Adam's is a dummy. He was a disliked NYPD officer and just happen to be the right color and have a few friends in high places. Now he botched his shot and bit the hand that fed him

Former Mayor DiBlaseo was an equally terrible human being but at least he was smart enough to not get caught taking bribes. He was mentoreMayorthe worst Mayor in NYC history, Dinkins, lol.
I think in this country we're supposed to wait until something is proven.
For everyone other than politicians.

For politicians....

To be clear not because he called on Menendez to resign but because he was claiming the indictment was politically motivated.

Yes, which turned the thread about the indictment into a tribalism debate.

Threads like that never go anywhere here.

The reason it happened on that thread:
Democrat posters don’t want to shit on their own and the Republican posters don’t want to agree with Cruz that the indictment isn’t legit. Which is why you only got two pages when a senator was being indicted.

That goes both ways. It becomes a hot potato. No one wants to touch it.
Former Mayor DiBlaseo was an equally terrible human being but at least he was smart enough to not get caught taking bribes. He was mentoreMayorthe worst Mayor in NYC history, Dinkins, lol.

I am not too familiar with the situation, but didn’t hundreds of millions go unaccounted for under the direction of his wife? I would think if there was an investigation with effort, they could find corruption with a lot of these mayors and such

It's good to see powerful folks on both sides of the political divide being investigated. We'll see how this shakes out.

It should help regular folks believe in the idea of least until it goes before Scrotus.

Oh yeah, and double fuck that Menendez cunt. He absolutely betrayed the public trust. He can rot.
looking very much like lawfare/some a bit frivolous

first off, this stretches back to 2016, it's a bit of a red flag if it gets that old.
2016 Free Upgrade to Business 12000 "value"
2017 Free Business Class for 3, discounted hotel 41000 "value"
2017 Free Business Class 16000 "value"
2018 Free Upgrade to Business, Free hotel, transportation 9000 "value"

and so on

these are values not actual costs, and in the majority of these, he paid flights and was upgraded...... I mean this is really lame to get someone on these small charges of upgraded seats, even if it was from a country. I wonder if Zelensky is going to get treated the same when americans upgraded the hell out of his seats to a super military plane...... or when congress gets paid to go to Israel. This is borderline witch-hunt activity, and fani willis, a recent similar case, did far more and not a peep in terms of legal action. and nobody pays those highest inflated values for business class, they're value is far less than that, and claiming these as legit bribes when there's zero monetary value is a bit rich. If you're being picked up by an uber or a limo, that is not enough to bribe someone, I'm sure Adams got a lump of cash, but that's not what these show.
Jesus Christ right wingers are weird. This is somehow related to illegal immigration and support for Kamala, according to weirdos who get their news from 1488HH1984PatriotPowerKitty on twitter
Look at the 2015 Menendez thread. Same thing. No one on the left was defending him, but rightists were saying that it was because he wasn't on board with something Obama wanted, and then in his more recent corruption, the claim was that there was some disagreement with Biden. Soulless hacks like @Horiguchi'sEar don't think that they're good people; they just think that everyone else is as bad as they are, and they get really confused when they see evidence to the contrary.
This guy has been not well liked by Dems since before he was elected, he just ran against Curtis Sliwa who is an extremist lunatic vigilante since conservatives are even more retarded than even Mayor Adams.

He has been doing really dumb shit since he was elected, like appointing his own brother to a $200,000 salaried office without any relevant experience.