Media Matt Hughes continues his impressive recovery

The book is trash and written at around a 5th or 6th grade level. I don't need to read 300 pages of that horseshit.

You are the one making claims. Specifically you repeatedly claim or infer that the McCorkle synopsis is not legit. It is. As I have stated, it is a pretty accurate summary and at most slightly exaggerated.

You are talking out of your ass, and when I brought the receipts you can't back your nonsensical stance up, which is exactly what I suspected.

You are the one backing up the guy who brags about taking a dirty blade and castrating baby pigs for amusement and taking pleasure in the animal screaming in pain. You actually felt the need to defend that specific thing over and over again.

Page 65

"I held the pig and slit it open, it screamed hysterically."

Page 66

"My brother and I grabbed as many testicles and dead baby pigs as we could. Fiore took off running and we ran after him chucking pig parts at our buddy. It was a wonder we didn't slip, because Mark and I were laughing so hard we were almost crying and our ammunition was all over the ground."

... "finally we cornered him in the barn. We stood there for another minute pelting him with testicles and dead baby pigs while he tried his best to block the carnage. Mark and I were division 1 wrestlers so quitting was not an option."

<PlusJuan>that's what you are defending.

He literally says they were laughing hysterically.

Yeah buddy. Castrating baby pigs for fun and using their mutilated testicles and dead babies as projectiles to throw at people is "just part of the deal."

See Bob... you were talking out of your ass and completely full of shit.

The problem with talking out of your ass and being completely full of shit is that it doesn't hold up particularly well to scrutiny.

"The book was poorly written so I can make up whatever I want about it" is a pretty novel defense.

What "receipts" are you even talking about? This is literally the first time you've attempted to show anything.

Point to me where he wrote that he "brags about taking a dirty blade and castrating baby pigs for amusement and taking pleasure in the animal screaming in pain"

This is the kind if hyperbole I'm talking about.

I literally already said that castrating animals is part of growing up on a farm. He didn't do it "for fun", he did it because that's what happens in a farm.

And as far as pelting his buddy, I dunno if you remember being a teenager , but you probably did some gross stuff you wouldn't do now. I remember literally having dog poop thrown at me by my buddies and then I returned the favor. Don't act like you didn't do gross shit when you were a teenage boy.

You're so dishonest that you literally have to make up a bunch of bullshit about him "castrating animals for amusement", even as you post passages that don't insinuate that at all.

If you're a teenage boy on a farm, you've had animal parts and excrement of all kinds thrown at you, thrown by you and all amounts of crap like that. I only spent a few summers on a farm, but having a dead animal thrown at you is coming off lightly.

But I've already said this and similar sentiments. I've even said the book isn't good. But even as you dishonestly break down the very passages you're posting, you're still not gonna budge on your opinion regarding a book you've never read.
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So was it a suicide attempt or not? I feel like everyone always sidesteps that subject.
I'm pretty certain it was and they were banning people over the mere hint of remarkz when it 1st happened and swarmed by his cult. Sherdog shows they're no better than him and probably worse holding onto his past.
Page 65

"I held the pig and slit it open, it screamed hysterically."

He was reporting what was happening. Him, his brother Mark, and Marc Fiore were on a farm. They were slaughtering animals, not doing surgery with anesthesia. The pigs scream. Hell, there's a whole movie called The Silence of the Lambs in which Jodie Foster's character was terrified by the screaming of lambs being slaughtered on a farm. Animals scream when they're killed. Surely this isn't news to you. This is like the episode of Everybody Loves Raymond when the city family is horrified that the country family took in a wounded bird and snapped its neck to put it out of its misery rather than nurse it back to health. City life and country life aren't the same.

Page 66

"My brother and I grabbed as many testicles and dead baby pigs as we could. Fiore took off running and we ran after him chucking pig parts at our buddy. It was a wonder we didn't slip, because Mark and I were laughing so hard we were almost crying and our ammunition was all over the ground."

... "finally we cornered him in the barn. We stood there for another minute pelting him with testicles and dead baby pigs while he tried his best to block the carnage. Mark and I were division 1 wrestlers so quitting was not an option."

Farm kids doing farm shit. When I was in high school in a Chicago suburb - none of us were farm kids - in biology class they had us do some unit with chicken parts and one kid was pulling on a tendon in a creepy way that made it look alive and he kept doing it and talking in a squeaky voice to freak out a girl who found it gross. It's called being a kid. And for the Hughes brothers, dead pigs were no big deal to them and so they fucked with the kid who was skeeved out.

Yeah buddy. Castrating baby pigs for fun and using their mutilated testicles and dead babies as projectiles to throw at people is "just part of the deal."

They weren't doing it "for fun" like a serial killer in training randomly prowling the woods looking for animals to torture. It's common farming practice.

"Castration of male piglets is a common practice in many countries and the vast majority of male piglets in the United States are castrated. Castration is performed to avoid boar taint in the meat of sexually mature male pigs and to reduce aggression toward other pigs and caretakers [...] In addition to a reduction in the risk of boar taint, barrows exhibit less sexual and aggressive behavior, which makes them easier to handle and less likely to fight and injure each other in group pens."
"The book was poorly written so I can make up whatever I want about it" is a pretty novel defense.

What "receipts" are you even talking about? This is literally the first time you've attempted to show anything.

Point to me where he wrote that he "brags about taking a dirty blade and castrating baby pigs for amusement and taking pleasure in the animal screaming in pain"

This is the kind if hyperbole I'm talking about.

I literally already said that castrating animals is part of growing up on a farm. He didn't do it "for fun", he did it because that's what happens in a farm.

And as far as pelting his buddy, I dunno if you remember being a teenage boy, but you probably did some gross stuff you wouldn't do now. I remember literally having dog poop thrown at me by my buddies and then I returned the favor. Don't act like you didn't do gross shit when you were a teenage boy.

You're so dishonest that you literally have to make up a bunch of bullshit about him "castrating animals for amusement", even as you post passages that don't insinuate that at all.

If you're a teenage boy on a farm, you've had animal parts and excrement of all kinds thrown at you, thrown by you and all amounts of crap like that. I only spent a few summers on a farm, but having a dead animal thrown at you is coming off lightly.

But I've already said this and similar sentiments. I've even said the book isn't good. But even as you dishonestly break down the very passages you're posting, you're still not gonna budge on your opinion regarding a book you've never read.

You are denying proof presented directly to you.

Cool Bob. I know everything I need to know about you.

You are defending someone bragging about laughing hysterically over throwing mutilated animal genitals at someone and claiming that is normal teenage boy behavior.
Glad we established that.

Doing this while acting like you have the moral high ground and are somehow winning a debate is poetically on brand for someone defending Matt Hughes behavior, so thanks for that.
I am entertained.

Have a nice day.
You are denying proof presented directly to you.

Cool Bob. I know everything I need to know about you.

You are defending someone bragging about laughing hysterically over throwing mutilated animal genitals at someone and claiming that is normal teenage boy behavior.
Glad we established that.

Doing this while acting like you have the moral high ground and are somehow winning a debate is poetically on brand for someone defending Matt Hughes behavior, so thanks for that.
I am entertained.

Have a nice day.
It's like you can't avoid being dishonest even in your own conversations.

I'm not "defending him". You can think whatever you want about whatever activity he did. If you think he's an asshole because he did what every other farmer did, well go for it. I'm not gonng stop you.

But if you're dishonest, you'll get called on it. If he talks about castrating pigs, which every pig farmer does, and then you re-interpret it as "He enjoyed the screams of dying animals that he killed" or whatever nonsense you're making up, I'll say something because you're wrong, not because it has anything to do with Hughes.

Farm living is obviously not your thing. And that's fine, it's not a pejorative. But you clearly don't understand the norms of running a farm as well as what teenage boys will do on one. That's on top of being clearly dishonest about the passages you've posted.
It's like you can't avoid being dishonest even in your own conversations.

I'm not "defending him". You can think whatever you want about whatever activity he did. If you think he's an asshole because he did what every other farmer did, well go for it. I'm not gonng stop you.

But if you're dishonest, you'll get called on it. If he talks about castrating pigs, which every pig farmer does, and then you re-interpret it as "He enjoyed the screams of dying animals that he killed" or whatever nonsense you're making up, I'll say something because you're wrong, not because it has anything to do with Hughes.

Farm living is obviously not your thing. And that's fine, it's not a pejorative. But you clearly don't understand the norms of running a farm as well as what teenage boys will do on one. That's on top of being clearly dishonest about the passages you've posted.
You kind of sound like a fucking loser, Bob. I love Matt as a fighter, but he is undoubtedly a psycho bully. You act like mutilating animals and laughing about it is just boys being boys. You do understand that you can do whats necessary to run a farm and also be a cruel psychopath? Those two things aren't mutually exclusive. And your defense of this is that when you were a teenager, someone once threw dog shit at you and you threw it back? I remember having nothing but compassion for animals when I was a teenager, and I sure as hell wasn't throwing dog shit on anyone. When I was a teenager, I was at war in Afghanistan, and we all did what was necessary to survive, but a lot of the people I was there with were clearly psychopathic. I still managed to have compassion. You say you aren't defending him, but that's 100% what you're doing. Very adamantly too. And no I won't read his book, because I'm not going to waste time reading something written by a guy who writes at a very elementary level. I've seen enough citations pulled directly from the book, as well as seeing hours of footage of him across multiple seasons of the Ultimate Fighter to get a proper gauge of his character. His own wife and twin brother have a restraining order against him. I love Jon Jones as a fighter, but I'll never defend him as a person. You defending Matt Hughes so adamantly exposes your own morals and judge of character. And he was clearly trying to kill himself on the train tracks, get a grip.
You kind of sound like a fucking loser, Bob. I love Matt as a fighter, but he is undoubtedly a psycho bully. You act like mutilating animals and laughing about it is just boys being boys. You do understand that you can do whats necessary to run a farm and also be a cruel psychopath? Those two things aren't mutually exclusive. And your defense of this is that when you were a teenager, someone once threw dog shit at you and you threw it back? I remember having nothing but compassion for animals when I was a teenager, and I sure as hell wasn't throwing dog shit on anyone. When I was a teenager, I was at war in Afghanistan, and we all did what was necessary to survive, but a lot of the people I was there with were clearly psychopathic. I still managed to have compassion. You say you aren't defending him, but that's 100% what you're doing. Very adamantly too. And no I won't read his book, because I'm not going to waste time reading something written by a guy who writes at a very elementary level. I've seen enough citations pulled directly from the book, as well as seeing hours of footage of him across multiple seasons of the Ultimate Fighter to get a proper gauge of his character. His own wife and twin brother have a restraining order against him. I love Jon Jones as a fighter, but I'll never defend him as a person. You defending Matt Hughes so adamantly exposes your own morals and judge of character. And he was clearly trying to kill himself on the train tracks, get a grip.

Many good points here sir.

You bring about an interesting perspective that holds true about both war and mma, which is that they can both draw people to participate but for wildly different reasons which can fall on completely opposite ends of the spectrum in terms of ethics.

You have on one extreme:

"Hey cool, I get to hurt people and be violent and they will pay me for it!!"

and on the other


"I can step up and face this myself and see that I endure this war so that others can live in peace."


"I think I can succeed in this sport, maybe secure my family future and establish a legacy, and when the bell rings I hope everyone goes home safely in one piece and we can shake hands and have a beer together."
It's also worth noting that most people posting on here these days didn't come up watching him. I'm sure that that makes it even easier to throw out random insults on a forum directed at someone who's nothing more than a name on Fight Finder.

In any event, as not just a fighter but as a champion, Matt Hughes is one of the most legendary athletes to ever compete in MMA. As a person, he may not have been an angel, but neither were Ken or Frank Shamrock, neither was Tank Abbott, neither was Rampage, neither was Mayhem. The number of MMA fighters who came from criminal backgrounds and who did borderline (or just cross the line) shit if they did not spend time in jail/prison is very large. Treating Matt Hughes like he's Hermes Franca or Joe Son or War Machine is going overboard IMO. The saying "I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy" is worth keeping in mind. What he's gone through and what he will have to live with for the rest of his life is more than most could even fathom. If you're happy about that and think that it makes you a good person to want someone you don't know to suffer so horribly, then I'd say Matt Hughes is the least of your problems.
These are the dumbest takes in this entire thread, and naturally they're by someone who moderates this forum.

I didn't watch OJ Simpson play football either, does that mean I'm not allowed to vilify him? And he was much better at football than Matt Hughes was at MMA. I did come up watching him btw.

And your defense of Matt Hughes is that other fighters are also bad people?

I see Sherdog isn't hiring any Rhodes Scholars to moderate.

Btw, is this really you?
These are the dumbest takes in this entire thread, and naturally they're by someone who moderates this forum.

Actually, I'd say this is the dumbest take:

I didn't watch OJ Simpson play football either, does that mean I'm not allowed to vilify him?

Are you honestly equating farming shenanigans with a double homicide?

I see Sherdog isn't hiring any Rhodes Scholars to moderate.

Btw, is this really you?

Yep. And I really have a PhD ;)
You kind of sound like a fucking loser, Bob. I love Matt as a fighter, but he is undoubtedly a psycho bully. You act like mutilating animals and laughing about it is just boys being boys. You do understand that you can do whats necessary to run a farm and also be a cruel psychopath? Those two things aren't mutually exclusive. And your defense of this is that when you were a teenager, someone once threw dog shit at you and you threw it back? I remember having nothing but compassion for animals when I was a teenager, and I sure as hell wasn't throwing dog shit on anyone. When I was a teenager, I was at war in Afghanistan, and we all did what was necessary to survive, but a lot of the people I was there with were clearly psychopathic. I still managed to have compassion. You say you aren't defending him, but that's 100% what you're doing. Very adamantly too. And no I won't read his book, because I'm not going to waste time reading something written by a guy who writes at a very elementary level. I've seen enough citations pulled directly from the book, as well as seeing hours of footage of him across multiple seasons of the Ultimate Fighter to get a proper gauge of his character. His own wife and twin brother have a restraining order against him. I love Jon Jones as a fighter, but I'll never defend him as a person. You defending Matt Hughes so adamantly exposes your own morals and judge of character. And he was clearly trying to kill himself on the train tracks, get a grip.

Fine, he's a psycho bully. My point isn't that he's good guy. My point is that people are saying shit that isn't accurate at all.

Look for the sake of argument, Matt Hughes is a complete asshole, dick-head, bully, arrogant blowhard. AND he has a tiny penis to boot.

So, we good on that?

So, pointing out any of these things doesn't actually negate what I'm saying. So if your point is he's an asshole, or a bully or a jerk. Fine. I accept that argument. You follow?

NOW....we can actually talk about my point. The inaccuracy of what people say, especially in regards to a book they didn't read. We good so far?

So, for example, in this thread, even on this page, @jeff7b9 has made up a complete line of BS about how Hughes wrote about castrating animals "for fun" and how much he "enjoyed the animal screaming in pain", and even I guess he chose a dull, rusty blade or something? probably while cackling manically and masturbating to the screams of the animals. And then he proceeds to write out a bunch of passages that don't corroborate these things.

That's what I'm talking about. When people say "Matt Hughes comes off like an asshole jock" you're never gonna get an argument from me. But on this particular topic, the contents of his book, people are completely ignorant. It's always weird to me when people plant their feet and argue about things they know they're ignorant of.

If you want to argue about whether or not Matt Hughes is an asshole or a good person, I couldn't give less of a shit. If you want to talk about a book that I read and you didn't and you get loads of the content wrong, I'm gonna let you know. What you do with that information is up to you.
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Cause you know, the guy was a complete scumbag long before the accident, if the shoe fits.

Fuck Matt Hughes.

I seriously cannot even remember what all he said and did that made everyone think he was a total asshole. Can a get a refresher ?

Like I'm aware he had that rep and I'm not disputing it I just can't recall the details
Actually, I'd say this is the dumbest take:

Are you honestly equating farming shenanigans with a double homicide?

Yep. And I really have a PhD ;)
No I'm not. Sounds like you are. Must be because you didn't come up watching him.
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I seriously cannot even remember what all he said and did that made everyone think he was a total asshole. Can a get a refresher ?

Like I'm aware he had that rep and I'm not disputing it I just can't recall the details
The big thing was being on TUF when GSP was a coach and he teased him relentlessly (this was when their rematch was coming up iirc). Talked shit to him, told him he needed to learn arm bar defense, etc. Prior to that there wasnt really any bad talk about him. Even then people started taking shit out of proportion. He told Din Thomas "I see your lips moving" and then on sherdog it became "Matt Hughes told Din Thomas he had huge lips".