Mary Kom urges Indian women to take up boxing

Good on her, that shit in Delhi was sick as fuck.
Awesome story and I wish nothing but the best for these women. Need to get them on an Ann Wolfe-esque training regiment so they could knock out any motherfucker on the street.
They should train ultimate fightin', all the ufc-tards say it works.
true according to some of the posts i was reading boxing is not useful for fighting becaause of the pillows and no takedowns, in teh streetz its all about the doubles. unfortunately i googled ultimate fighting gym new delhi and came up with no responses. how does india plan to defend its sovereignty in this world of guerrilla jiu jitsu black belts and alpha males
Its called mace. This is like point I'm making in the Frankie Edgar thread. If you rely on martial arts to defend yourself in a completely uncontrolled situation, you're going to get yourself fucked up
true according to some of the posts i was reading boxing is not useful for fighting becaause of the pillows and no takedowns, in teh streetz its all about the doubles. unfortunately i googled ultimate fighting gym new delhi and came up with no responses. how does india plan to defend its sovereignty in this world of guerrilla jiu jitsu black belts and alpha males

Eh, no. It depends on the quality of boxing learned. Not that it uses gloves or doesn't have takedowns. For as much as Dana White decried that "blah blah percent of street fights end up on the ground," people still usually begin fighting by swinging their hands. The one who does so better has a distinct advantage:

That guy did nothing special, he just threw straight punches at two guys who had no idea what to do when someone did that to them.
yeah i mean dude - boxing has been the means for unarmed self defense (you're not always going to have time to pull out mace/tazer/knife) on the street in America/Europe/everywhere outside of Asia for the last couple of hundred years.
