The Death Star may be clunky and amateurish but I wouldn't want to get shot by it.
Star Wars aesthetic is retro-futuristic anyway, stuff is supposed to look kind of janky but still get the job done.
Mace Windu over Nick Fury by force choke.
yeah but that's architecture, their gadgets and machines always have funky buttons and shit poking out of them and look like they were cobbled together out of odds and wars seems way more realistic to happen in this universe.
looks pretty futuristic to me
that's actually a good question. I think part of the Star Wars "clunkiness" is to show that it's basically a society in decline, in fighting and petty squabbles basically had pretty much distracted everyone. Look at Force Awakens, "hmmm, two death stars proved to be colossal failures, i know let's do it again, but this time let's make it REALLY HUGE, what's the worst that could happen?" They are still using the same types of ships and weapons, storm trooper armor still doesn't stop shit and it's supposed to be more than 30 years after "Return of the Jedi" , hell 30 years ago we didn't have the internet to have this conversation.Ya but star wars is a long time ago, so if they had that tech then what is it now?