Martin Shkreli arrested!


Dec 22, 2014
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NEW YORK - Martin Shkreli, a lightning rod for growing outrage over soaring prescription drug prices, was arrested by the FBI on Thursday after a federal investigation involving his former hedge fund and a pharmaceutical company he previously headed.

The securities fraud probe of Shkreli, who is now chief executive officer of Turing Pharmaceuticals and KaloBios Pharmaceuticals Inc., stems from his time as manager of hedge fund MSMB Capital Management and CEO of biopharmaceutical company Retrophin Inc., a person familiar with the matter said.

Shares of KaloBios fell about 50% in premarket trading.

Lawyers for Retrophin and Shkreli, whose arrest was witnessed by Reuters, did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Turing and KaloBios declined to comment.

Turing sparked controversy earlier this year after news reports that it had raised the price of Daraprim, a 62-year-old treatment for a dangerous parasitic infection, to $750 a tablet from $13.50 after acquiring it.

Shkreli, 32, was expected to be charged on Thursday for illegally using Retrophin assets to pay off debts after MSMB lost millions of dollars, the source said.

The probe, by federal prosecutors in Brooklyn, dates back to at least January when Retrophin said it received a subpoena from prosecutors seeking information about its relationship with Shkreli.

That subpoena also sought information about individuals or entities that had invested in funds previously managed by Shkreli, Retrophin said in a regulatory filing.

He's stepped on alot of people to get to the top but do you think this FBI thing will effect him? Will he go to prison or just pay a fine and laugh it off?
He's stepped on alot of people to get to the top but do you think this FBI thing will effect him? Will he go to prison or just pay a fine and laugh it off?

I have a feeling there was some personal motivation by the government to go after him...most likely because he's such a blatant douche bag.
I have a feeling there was some personal motivation by the government to go after him...most likely because he's such a blatant douche bag.

I agree, that is exactly what I was thinking. He made too many waves and then when called out on it by basically the entire country he laughed and flipped everyone the middle finger. It seems like a task force was created to go find dirt on this guy and bring him in and it succeeded. I'm just wondering if they have enough to lock him up or if he walks on this with a slap on the hand. I don't know what the crime carries in terms of punishment. Maybe one of our Sherdog lawyers can tell us.
Hopefully they throw him in the back of a police van and he dosent come out alive.

fuck this guy, takes a drug that helping millions and puts it out of reach. What a fucking cock sucker.
Hopefully they throw him in the back of a police van and he dosent come out alive.

fuck this guy, takes a drug that helping millions and puts it out of reach. What a fucking cock sucker.

He already got fucked over when a rival company offered almost the same drug for 1 buck a pill.
He already got fucked over when a rival company offered almost the same drug for 1 buck a pill.

good. he should be double fucked for being such an asshole.
If serial murderers and rapists deserve death, then this guy deserves to have a white-hot poker inserted into his rectum so that the flesh melts and bonds to it, before it's allowed to cool, and is subsequently ripped out, making way for his insides to fall out through the tattered chasm that used to be his asshole.
If serial murderers and rapists deserve death, then this guy deserves to have a white-hot poker inserted into his rectum so that the flesh melts and bonds to it, before it's allowed to cool, and is subsequently ripped out, making way for his insides to fall out through the tattered chasm that used to be his asshole.

Holy fucking christ
If serial murderers and rapists deserve death, then this guy deserves to have a white-hot poker inserted into his rectum so that the flesh melts and bonds to it, before it's allowed to cool, and is subsequently ripped out, making way for his insides to fall out through the tattered chasm that used to be his asshole.
Hope he rots in a cell for life. Too bad he will go to club fed though. Would much rather him have to go to state jail.
If serial murderers and rapists deserve death, then this guy deserves to have a white-hot poker inserted into his rectum so that the flesh melts and bonds to it, before it's allowed to cool, and is subsequently ripped out, making way for his insides to fall out through the tattered chasm that used to be his asshole.

I see someone is in the holiday spirit.
I bet this is because of what he did to the new Wu-Tang album.

This brought a smile to my face.
There's not many People I don't know that I could say I genuinely hate. I wouldn't even say I hate Ben Carson. Because hate is a pretty strong word.

That being said, I do in fact hate this guy. If there was one person in the world I could hand a severe beating to and not have to deal with any repurcussions, it'd be this prick.

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