Mark Kerr is the Jose Canseco of MMA

Was at Pride GP 2000

Brown Belt
Dec 22, 2015
Reaction score
Both juiced to the gils. Both huge personalities.

Both kinda look like brothers.

What do you think?
Both kinda look like brothers.

Canseco 1st 40/40 member was pretty well-rounded. Kerr had decent kicks and subs for an NCAA wrestling champ.

Not that bad of a comparison. Does this mean Kerr is going to try out baseball when he's done selling cars?
mark kerr is the michael jordan of basketball
post pix ffs
mark kerr is the michael jordan of basketball
No he's not. Only Michael Jordan is the Michael Jordan of basketball.

Kerr and Coleman are the Bebop and Rock Steady of MMA.
Both juiced to the gils. Both huge personalities.
Both kinda look like brothers.
What do you think?
Nothing similar. Canseco got blackballed after he exposed the dirty secret of baseball and sports in general. Kerr never faced the same problem.