Mark Hunt threatened by bodybuilder

I'm fat and out of shape and I think I'd be able to pretzel this fool up in a matter of minutes, the guy is a fucking metro who is worried about his hair and makeup as much as he is about his physique (which he looks like he weighs about a buck 80 BTW). When did men become like this? Damn it millennials, you screwing things up...

Men ? I see no man/men in this pic ...

As for his death wishes ,

Hunt would seriously hurt this guy and I'd pay to see it. Make it happen, UFC.
I doubt that guy even uses steroids lol but the blue print to beat hunt is easy... Stay away from his reach and take him down = game over.. I'd rather fight hunt than Lesnar that's for sure
Same thing happened a long time ago, look up about the bodybuilder that challeneged Rickson Gracie black belt Pedro Sauer to a fight...

And the Gracies in action when he fought that other American body builder guy and choked him guys need to realize just cuz you bodybuild doesnt mean you can beat down trained fighters.
that guys a joke, I have seen that douche around my area before... he would get his lights taken out.
One look at the first few pics and I'm positive the guy is playing a satirical character the way Riff Raff did as a rapper.
Rates pretty high up there on the all-time list of terrible ideas
This had to be a joke. There's no way that guy can be that dumb or maybe he's desperate for some money because Hunt would knock him out with a jab most likely
He's obviously trolling since Hunt went full triggly mode after Lesnar popped.
Someone should take Hunt's keyboard away, he's making a fool of himself daily, 24/7. Guy's 42 and he acts and types like he's just turned 11.

The average 42 year old is fat and pathetic, politically correct weakling so no he should stick with acting 11. Way better and far more entertaining.

Nobody wants to talk about some bland bastard who says boring positive shit nobody actually means. lol
Hunto really enjoys engaging with the keyboard warriors.