Mario Yamasaki: I allowed Priscila Cachoeira 'to be a warrior'

Whatever. Mario fucked up, but so did Shelby and Maynard for booking it. Dana needs to get off his high horse, moral outrage from him is hypocritical and downright obscene
I thought she was out because of knee injuries?
Whatever. Mario fucked up, but so did Shelby and Maynard for booking it. Dana needs to get off his high horse, moral outrage from him is hypocritical and downright obscene
Did you cry about cm punk vs gall too?
Mario is powerless.

The consequences of letting her be a warrior is laughable compared to what would be done to him and his family if he defies his master.



Lol at the white knights still crying about this beat down. Go watch women's tennis.
wont lie I thought and hoped this was a troll tread when I saw it lol
Yeah right... being a warrior won't helped the damage her brain received.
