Marcelo Garcia Highlight

Yeah, man, I know what you mean. I love watching Jacare too, but Marcelo does the kind of jiu-jitsu I wish I could do.
who here has seen the marcelo v pe de pano match in that highlight? who won, how did it go down?
Amazing, thx for the link!!

I know he is a great grappler and read a lot about him, but I never got to see any of his fights.

How he takes the back right after pulling guard got me stunned.
his fight against renzo is good.

amazing at taking the back, and setting everyone up with xguard sweeps.
Gsoares2 said:
his fight against renzo is good.

amazing at taking the back, and setting everyone up with xguard sweeps.

The ultimate in back control in that fight. I love Marcelo's game.
Him and Jacare are my idols. They are fucking amazing. I'll try and download the 2002 match or 2003 match of Jacare vs Roger. I was surprised Roger won that match. Jacare looked like he dominated most of it to me.

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