manlet appreciation thread

BW champ is a manlet.
HW champ is a manlet.
Most popular fighter in the history of the sport is a manlet.

Highest paid athlete in the world is a manlet.

Hell... the most powerful man in the world IS A MANLET!

We must now bow down to our new manlet overlords lest we feel their tiny wrath.

BW champ is a manlet.
HW champ is a manlet.
Most popular fighter in the sport is a manlet.
Highest paid athlete in the world is a manlet.

Hell... the most powerful man in the world IS A MANLET!

We must now bow down to our new manlet overlords lest we feel their tiny wrath.


Nah, most people under average height have a weird and insecure obsession with it. Manlets will never be able to rule the world as a result.
<DisgustingHHH> stop quoting me, manlet.

Oh my god, you aren't. That's disturbing. Do you tell your girl you obsess over the size of other men on the internet? Or does she not know? Or do you not have one? This is disturbing and fascinating at the same time.
Except there are HWs in the past who were able to move like that, maybe not as quick, but were able to pull off the moves and techniques.

Sure but they were rarer than lws and fws.
Oh my god, you aren't. That's disturbing. Do you tell your girl you obsess over the size of other men on the internet? Or does she not know? Or do you not have one? This is disturbing and fascinating at the same time.
lol at people calling DC a midget... that's some though standard. :D
Given he's taller than the american average <Moves>

In sweden/norway everyone is 6'0 tho

WW to LHW are the best to watch imo. They arent midgets but they can still move good.

Lol we're going in circles because like I said, they can't move like the FLWs and BWs.
Mighty Mouse was a dominant champ and at least he didn't go out like Anderson Silva or Fedor or Chuck.
Nah, most people under average height have a weird and insecure obsession with it. Manlets will never be able to rule the world as a result.

I hope you're right, I fear for the wellbeing of my average height children in such a manlet dominated society...

but seems like most great conquerors throughout history were of manlet status:

Alexander The Great = manlet
Julius Caesar = manlet
Attila The Hun = turbo manlet
Genghis Khan = manlet
Napoleon = manlet
Hitler = manlet

One of these times one of these fucking manlets is gonna make the whole world domination thing happen and then we are all fucked.

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