Man featured at Giuliani press conference is a convicted sex offender

Other then some unproven claim what is there.
First of all.... basic grammar.
Second, think about that statement and apply it to Rudy's claims.

This has the same weight as saying this Yasser is an convicted child rapist.
Again, apply to Rudy.

If there is positive proff he and you should provide the link.
So you need a video or something?

Anyway, this guy being a predator doesn't make him a liar in a specific case. That said, he's also adding nothing to nothing so....
Good grief, are you really this pathetic?

Your side has no evidence and has to resort to bringing in the word of a wacko kiddy diddler and you think that the media pointing out that he's a wacko kiddy diddler is their "attempt to cover up the fraud"...?
I wish I had your ignorance that would be more comforting.
You cant script this. After months of saying antifa was filled with pathetic sex offenders who deserved death they are now backing a life long political grifter, convicted sex offender and dead beat dad with unpaid child support to three women.

Only the best.
don't forget trump is also alleged in the child trafficking of epstein by one of the victims.
That’s too bad, Daryll was my favorite part of that fiasco.
“Tell them what you told me, Daryll.”
“Um, guys at work....401k, finance.”
Pathetic attempt by the lefties to discredit a man for the mistakes he made in his past...

i always thought lefties were all about giving ppl a 2nd chance in life and if someone served his time and paid the debt to the society he gets to redeem himself

Actually police should have never arrested him in the first place. A stern lecture from a social worker would have changed his life for the better.

Edit: I only joke because he didn't touch any kids.
Maybe Donnie will reward this guy by taking him along the next time he peeps at a teen beauty pageants dressing room.

Obsessing over cucks, obsessing over Hunter Biden dick pics, and now dancing to the village people.

There's a lot of cock obsession and repressed homosexuality from Trump bros.
It's in the the article and actually read it.

Yes I saw that was in the article as well. The sex offender is an opportunists largely because he's a sex offender and cannot hold work.

In any case, it should show that he's a slime ball and his testimony carries no weight. Not that it did to begin with.

His word carries no weight unless he has some other proff to back it up.
You cant script this. After months of saying antifa was filled with pathetic sex offenders who deserved death they are now backing a life long political grifter, convicted sex offender and dead beat dad with unpaid child support to three women.

Only the best.
It's like Trump... no solid views on anything other than furthering himself. His views change when it's to his advantage.