Crime Man beheaded in Northern France

didnt see a video
picture appears worse than the girls because you can see the spine
the girls were just the heads one next to each other, no blood, like they were sleeping
and this one's bloody as fuck

Yeah just saw it
They're not immigrants, that's the issue. Governments here have let it devolve into a separate society, these guys especially in France live in ghettos. I can tell you that all those videos by rebel media or whatever about no-go zones were completely laughable. The real no-go zones are banlieues in Paris where paramedics WILL NOT go, for fear of their lives. Now, this is mostly gang and drug related violence, but those areas is where the hardcore jihadist hide. They can exert their influence without real surveillance.

Isn't the homicide rate going down?
Shitty French economic and policing policy contribute to that

The problem can be reduced significantly, but the French people would never stand it for it and would prefer instead to have chronically high unemployment rates along with public housing, welfare, and impotent police to foster an environment of extremism


Can’t say I really feel sorry for the French.
How would you try to solve it?
Shitty French economic and policing policy contribute to that

The problem can be reduced significantly, but the French people would never stand it for it and would prefer instead to have chronically high unemployment rates along with public housing, welfare, and impotent police to foster an environment of extremism


Can’t say I really feel sorry for the French.
Not sure what your solution would be, or how much you actually know about the potency of French police.
Explain a little and I won’t.

Also, foreigners in Europe of non European descent should not shoot up young people in clubs of at concerts and cut their testicles off, commit mass rapes of native Europeans on holidays, Or systematically in towns with underage girls, or behead teachers. Shows you media impact that these things get glossed over. All are a bad idea, and the fact that they don’t realize what a bad idea it is says a lot.
Fuck yeah. It should be like the US. Only natives should do that
Isn't the homicide rate going down?
There's a lockdown, but it could be that the homicide rate goes down yeah. Doesn't mean there isn't a real risk of getting killed there. Do you want to account bet that if I walk through a banlieue there holding a drawing of muhammed, I'm not making it out alive?
How would you try to solve it?
Make it not impossible to fire workers (which disproportionately affects unskilled people and contributes to employers not wanting to hire anyone who isn’t a proven commodity) and actually have police do their job

I don’t know that much about French welfare and government housing, but it’s pretty much always a bad idea to cluster poor, unskilled people into housing which is only guaranteed insofar as they fail economically.

If the cops aren’t afraid to go into certain areas, thugs can’t rule. And when people are actually able to find a job, not only are they economically better off but that is also where immigrants integrate culturally.
There's a lockdown, but it could be that the homicide rate goes down yeah. Doesn't mean there isn't a real risk of getting killed there. Do you want to account bet that if I walk through a banlieue there holding a drawing of muhammed, I'm not making it out alive?
Homicide rate could go down across the country but remain high in pockets of it. The homicide rate in most Western countries has been trending down at least for the last two decades but with increasing inequality it can go up in certain urban pockets. I think the aging populations is at least part of the reason why its trending down but I bet the immigrant populations and their descendants are on average younger.
Make it not impossible to fire workers (which disproportionately affects unskilled people and contributes to employers not wanting to hire anyone who isn’t a proven commodity) and actually have police do their job

I don’t know that much about French welfare and government housing, but it’s pretty much always a bad idea to cluster poor, unskilled people into housing which is only guaranteed insofar as they fail economically.

If the cops aren’t afraid to go into certain areas, thugs can’t rule. And when people are actually able to find a job, not only are they economically better off but that is also where immigrants integrate culturally.
Ah I see and yeah I can see how both those things would be unpopular among the French. They would see it as an attack on their labor rights and most people take to NIMBYism when it comes to low income housing which leads to slums.
Make it not impossible to fire workers (which disproportionately affects unskilled people and contributes to employers not wanting to hire anyone who isn’t a proven commodity) and actually have police do their job

I don’t know that much about French welfare and government housing, but it’s pretty much always a bad idea to cluster poor, unskilled people into housing which is only guaranteed insofar as they fail economically.

If the cops aren’t afraid to go into certain areas, thugs can’t rule. And when people are actually able to find a job, not only are they economically better off but that is also where immigrants integrate culturally.
they could find a job, come on
they are young men that can do almost any type of labor
but why do it when macron pays for you, your wife and 14 kids?
How would you try to solve it?
I don't know how to solve it, but here's what they need to focus on imo.
1) Money. Jihadists are sponsored by Saudi Arabia, which is a Western, eh, ally. Get some balls and shut that shit down. The rest of their money comes from illegal activities, drugs mostly.
2) Education/economics. Kids in ghettos are really fucking vulnerable to jihadis and there's almost zero being done about their influence. Maghrebien communities are close-knit and weary of "outsiders", and we've basically given up here. Poverty doesn't help either. I'm not saying being poor causes terrorism, but it's fuel.
3) Prosecution. In Belgium, punishment for being part of a terror group is ridiculous and they don't even catch or go after half the guys out there.
Why even bother showing the prophet? You know that it’s disrespectful and you’re from the same country where the Charlie Hebdo attacks took place. Sometimes these people bring it on themselves to an extent.
There's a lockdown, but it could be that the homicide rate goes down yeah. Doesn't mean there isn't a real risk of getting killed there. Do you want to account bet that if I walk through a banlieue there holding a drawing of muhammed, I'm not making it out alive?

You are too far left for me on most topics but seem like a nice guy. Please don't do what you've suggested..."winning" that bet does not sound like an outcome you can live with.
Why even bother showing the prophet? You know that it’s disrespectful and you’re from the same country where the Charlie Hebdo attacks took place. Sometimes these people bring it on themselves to an extent.
He was giving a class on free speech. I would advise people not to piss off Islamic extremists as a matter of personal responsibility and safety, but it has no place in larger discourse with regards on how to deal with terrorism.