Making up for a missed workout


Feb 18, 2008
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I'm doing the 2-day split from the FAQ. My lifting days are Wednesday and Sunday, and are really the only days I can lift because of other commitments. I missed my workout on Wednesday (DL, OHP, Pullups). So I was thinking of extending Sunday's workout, which is usually Squats, Bench, BOR. My thought was to do something along the lines of: DL, Bench, Squats, OHP, Pullups, since I'll have two full rest days before Wednesday and since it's Sunday I'll have enough free time.

Do you guys think that's a good idea, or should I just chalk up Wednesday to a miss and get right back into the normal routine.

Just stick to the routine, missing 1 workout is not a big deal just dont make it a regular thing. Doing 2 workouts in 1 isnt going to help because you wont be able to go as hard on the latter exercises.
Doing everything on one day will be a bit much. If I was doing that routine I'd probalby just wait until Wednesday, but if you want you can do some of the lifts today.