Social Major surgery tomorrow; now accepting all Thoughts and Prayers


Platinum Member
Feb 10, 2009
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I was diagnosed with gullet cancer back in November last year. Tomorrow is D-Day: I finally get the surgery to remove the cancer. Along with my gullet. The surgeons then stretch my stomach to make a new gullet.

The entire process is as pleasant as it sounds. The operation takes around six hours, and I'll be in hospital for at least 10 days. Much of it in the ICU, drugged up to my eyeballs.

I don't mind admitting that I'm shitting myself, bros. So yeah, any Thoughts and Prayers you've got laying around, throw them my way. I need all the help I can get;)
I was diagnosed with gullet cancer back in November last year. Tomorrow is D-Day: I finally get the surgery to remove the cancer. Along with my gullet. The surgeons then stretch my stomach to make a new gullet.

The entire process is as pleasant as it sounds. The operation takes around six hours, and I'll be in hospital for at least 10 days. Much of it in the ICU, drugged up to my eyeballs.

I don't mind admitting that I'm shitting myself, bros. So yeah, any Thoughts and Prayers you've got laying around, throw them my way. I need all the help I can get;)

Good luck, you'll be right as rain.

Make sure they install a new gizzard-valve while they're in there. Its the best time to do it, really.
Aye, you'll have me prayers, matey. But you'll never get me thoughts!

I don't pray, but I'll send you my current thoughts:

I REALLY need to update my desktop computer. Shit's like 15 years old and I haven't even turned it on for 7 of them.

PS. You'll be fine. What's the worst that could happen? Uh... Don't answer that.