
Mine is all "onthemarket", a constant reminder that I can't find a flat for £200,000 that is good for me.
Boomer thread. Why are you using the Internet without an adblock?
I'm on a karate subforum and don't even know karate dude, I'm clearly retarded. No time to think about ad blocks, I'm dreaming about sweet new velcro shoes.
Oh you guys, always with the joking around!

Admins, we all engage with the ads and purchase those products frequently. No need to start charging us money to pay for this place. 😬
UBlock Origin. Free and you'll never see an ad.

How are we still getting these threads? Use Brave or AdBlock. I've never seen an ad on here.
Old habits die hard, I can see how people could be blind to a solution even if it is right in front of them.

Someone mentioned brave for youtube and I realized I have been watching ads on YT for no reason for months/years just because I am used to clicking that logo out of habit.
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