Looks like we'll be paying for the wall....

You poor triggered snowflakes lol! Upset that trump has already done more then obama :)

Mexico will pay for it in the end... just wait for the tariffs that will drive up their wages and drive out jobs.
So if we build our own Great Wall, will a bunch of buffets named after it and serving cheeseburgers, cheetos and mt. Dew open up I'm China?


Fuck the wall and go after the business owners that hire illegals.
Didn't Trump say he would make Mexico pay for it via tariffs or taking away aid or something along those lines? If that's the case the spending would still have to be authorized by congress. Not saying I believe him, but it would make this article irrelevant.
Exactly. Obviously Mexico wasn't going to take the bill, the point is the US-Mexican relationship as a whole is about to become a lot more US-friendly. The money will be coming back to the United States, just not in the form of a border wall check.
I think we should also set up a second wall, and put in a "freedom strip" between them, with tripwire machine guns and foot spikes. We should constantly patrol the wall in teams of two, so that each guard is worried about the other turning him in. Also, lay down sand and rake it daily so that footprints are easy to see.
Now that's just ridiculous. Where would they find all that sand?
Locks her up for what? He has nothing to charge her over.
Exactly. Obviously Mexico wasn't going to take the bill, the point is the US-Mexican relationship as a whole is about to become a lot more US-friendly. The money will be coming back to the United States, just not in the form of a border wall check.

Yep, sure it will. Campaign revisionism at its finest.
Fuck the wall and go after the business owners that hire illegals.
Then we're left with nothing when the next lefty president rolls back enforcement. If there are still practical places to build more wall/fence, let's fucking do it. Bush built 500 miles of fence and was supported by lib's like Obama and Clinton. A few billion dollars is not too much to spend on improved border security for a nearly 20 trillion dollar economy. We give away more in aid annually than a border wall would cost.
Yep, sure it will. Campaign revisionism at its finest.
Read the article in the OP, even this hit piece states that Trump has previously suggested they would have to pay us back.
Read the article in the OP, even this hit piece states that Trump has previously suggested they would have to pay us back.

He's "suggested" anything about everything. He's a fucking political chameleon. There is no way he's going to blackmail Mexico into paying billions of dollars for a wall. Anyone who believed that promise is a moron.
He's "suggested" anything about everything. He's a fucking political chameleon. There is no way he's going to blackmail Mexico into paying billions of dollars for a wall. Anyone who believed that promise is a moron.
I don't think the people who support the wall really care how it's funded, though.
Ship it in from Berlin, probably lots of it in a guilt museum somewhere.
That came from out of left field. Well done. I was going for the easy "from the desert, dumbass" reply.