Looks like we'll be paying for the wall....

If its well planned and works, I'm OK with tax dollars being used to increase our country's security. We live in a different world than our parents did. Loosely secured borders are not in our best interest.
Playing devil's advocate I'm pretty sure outside of the most dumbest out there most Trump supporters knew we were going to pay for the wall.

Outside of military action or extremely cruel sanctions there would be nothing that could be done to make Mexico pay.

Oh yes there is. They send an awful lot of money via wire, down south to Mexico. That wired money can be taxed.
Hilarious. The only way people can ease the cognitive dissonance of supporting Donny Dofus is by rejecting the truth. Truely pathetic.

You voted him in, fucking own it you coward.

I like it. If they steal all this money from me, they can at least build a wall to keep out illegal aliens and bad hombres instead of handing it over to whomever crazy Bernie thinks it belongs to with his retarded socialist politics

Have fun building the wall across terrain like this. Rand Paul's head will probably explode when he see's how much Trump is going to ask to fund this disaster.
My ol pal @Cold Front will tell you all about how very easy that would be.

Have fun building the wall across terrain like this. Rand Paul's head will probably explode when he see's how much Trump is going to ask to fund this disaster.

a wall wouldn't have to be exactly on the border. They could move it in around places like this so people would climb this stuff and then hit the wall.
Well, yeah, that's a given. I would also like to see some anti-hot air balloon drones up there.

hot air balloons can't be cheap, are they easy to make?

They are pretty popular here. You can see a dozen in the sky at a time when the weather is nice. I'll send one over to let @Rod1 in if he waits until after Trump is in office to cross on my aunt's border property.
It is hard to believe how little he's accomplished in day negative 15 of his presidency. GSP is not impressed with his performance.
I didn't think he meant they would literally pay for it but they would get back the money lost through other means.
Such as the new Trump Cancun resort complex.
Didn't Trump say he would make Mexico pay for it via tariffs or taking away aid or something along those lines? If that's the case the spending would still have to be authorized by congress. Not saying I believe him, but it would make this article irrelevant.
Anybody who seriously believed Trump when he said he'd make Mexico pay is an idiot. He was running for POTUS, not God emperor of the world.

It's an asinine waste of tax payers money that won't change anything.

Trump just wants a huge monument built in his honor and to be able to funnel public funds to his friends and family in construction.


You're paying for it too.