look at this BW workout

seems a really good routine. think i may give it a try
Looks like a very tiring workout and would help muscular endurance. I am wondering why the link is train for strength.
looks good but doesnt seem to be that much of a strength workout
jscott said:
looks good but doesnt seem to be that much of a strength workout

My thoughts exactly. Seems odd that the site its on is called "trainforstrength".
Scrapper, the guy who runs the website is a cool guy with some good routines..
I would think they would have some more explosive exercies. Like jump squats and exploding up on the push ups.
Sean S said:
My thoughts exactly. Seems odd that the site its on is called "trainforstrength".
If you look on their site, they are mostly about strength training, these are their bodyweight conditioning videos.
Bighead said:
If you look on their site, they are mostly about strength training, these are their bodyweight conditioning videos.

I just got Karl Mal0wned!!11
I can't believe this is the first time so many have seen the scrapper stuff. I guess everything is cyclicle...
The Sickness said:
I can't believe this is the first time so many have seen the scrapper stuff. I guess everything is cyclicle...

I clicked on the link by mistake. Usually I just phase out things like this. The damned url fooled me. Apparently so did my reading comprehension since the post title says "BW"
There is more than one type of strength, ya know.
Goat Meal said:
There is more than one type of strength, ya know.

Eh see that's debatable in this sense. Is endurance considered strength? And beyond that, is this the best way to gain strength? This would be more of a conditioning thing I think. Mind you I understand that you need muscular endurance for grappling and such. However, I wouldn't consider someone who could do this "strong". Fit, yes. Insane, probably. Would I respect it, yes. Just not strong.
looks like the army 'muscular strength and endurance' workout. aka muscle failure
Looks pretty good. I am sure that routine will get old after a month or so if you do it consistantly for at least 3 days a week.

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