Lombard vs Okami next ?

I like that fight a lot. Its a fight Lombard is very capable of winning but at the same time he almost seems like the next Filho to me.
Logically it seems like the fight to be made. Clearly they want to build up Lombard quickly not feeding him any TUFers. Okami is a good opponent for him now. If Lombard wins he is a fight away from title shot.
Yes! Lombard via KO, I doubt that Okami can take him down and/or overpower him like that.
fuck okami made me mad this fight, with all those takedowns and POSITIONS he had, he didnt even fucking strike, honestly id give belcher the fight just to prove a fucking point to this idiot to stop wasting peoples time, the fight was terrible, and some of the blame is on belcher being a moron an not striking and circling away from the cage(were every takedown happened).
Rather see Okami vs Weidman. Perfect final test for Weidman.
Okami deserves to be on the undercard, not the main event, if he's going to lay on top of someone in full mount.
How good is Lombard's wrestling?

He's short, ridiculously strong, and has great Judo

see: How he tossed around Boetsch, even in his lackluster performance. (Still think he won that fight)

Tossed Boetsch a couple of times, stuffed him easily over and over
fuck okami made me mad this fight, with all those takedowns and POSITIONS he had, he didnt even fucking strike, honestly id give belcher the fight just to prove a fucking point to this idiot to stop wasting peoples time, the fight was terrible, and some of the blame is on belcher being a moron an not striking and circling away from the cage(were every takedown happened).

Lol... he didn't even need to punch. I wasn't excited by this fight, but Okami definitely thoroughly won and proved he could own Belcher in the grappling realm and whatnot. Don't be a poor sport.