Lombard needs to keep that fire


Green Belt
Aug 10, 2010
Reaction score
He didn't seem very motivated before the boetsch fight and he fought like it. This time around you could tell he really wanted to win this fight just in the way he carried himself and talked in interviews. I think he's the kind of fighter that won't win every time purely on skills without motivation; he's a guy who needs to want to beat the crap out of who he fights to win. We saw that tonight, anyone else agree? Motivated Lombard new potential myth?
I thought he was hurt/motivated coming to the Boetsch fight. He doesn't have motivation issues
I thought he was hurt/motivated coming to the Boetsch fight. He doesn't have motivation issues

EDIT coz of dubs: I thought he was hurt/injured coming to the Boetsch fight. He doesn't have motivation issues
Lombard was motivated in his first fight, how could you not be? Boetch didn't want to play his game. He looked good tonight but I wasn't ever convinced Palhares was a title contender. Were you?
And fight again soon!

Been waiting for this one for a while now....

boetsch did a great job nullifying lombards game.

the same thing would happen again doesnt matter motivated,unmotivated
boetsch did a great job nullifying lombards game.

the same thing would happen again doesnt matter motivated,unmotivated

Lombard looked unimpressive but still rightfully deserved the win against Boetsch.
boetsch did a great job nullifying lombards game.

the same thing would happen again doesnt matter motivated,unmotivated

Are u for real? Lombard had a broken sternum or something crazy like that. He won that fight anyway, but when healthy, lombard steam rolls him 10/10 times
Are u for real? Lombard had a broken sternum or something crazy like that. He won that fight anyway, but when healthy, lombard steam rolls him 10/10 times

I doubt he had a broken sternum, as it's a very uncommon injury outside of major car accidents.

Either way, he doesn't have to beat Boestch 10 times, he just had to do it once, and he didn't. If he was that injured, he shouldn't have fought.
He walked right through Palhares tonight, leg kicks and all.
So beating a BJJ in stand up means "fire" and "motivation" okay... I'd think differently if he would have stayed in Paul Harris's guard and beat the shit out of him.
He didn't seem very motivated before the boetsch fight and he fought like it. This time around you could tell he really wanted to win this fight just in the way he carried himself and talked in interviews. I think he's the kind of fighter that won't win every time purely on skills without motivation; he's a guy who needs to want to beat the crap out of who he fights to win. We saw that tonight, anyone else agree? Motivated Lombard new potential myth?

Let's not start this motivated = win, unmotivated = lose with Lombard. We have seen this with BJ and it was not pretty.

Just let the man fight and leave the motivation speculations to yourself. Thou its funny to see people now making all kind of excuses why he didn't do good in his UFC debut and now jump back to the bandwagon. Oh them sherdoggers.