lol at Vince McMahon wrestling during the 90s and early 2000s in his own org

Shane was definitely the craziest, but man, that bump Vince took on the announce table at "Valentines Day Massacre" PPV still makes me wince. That had to have felt like landing squarely on the top of a guard rail. Man, that was an ugly bump.
I cannot see a single redeeming quality about fake wrestling. It is part of the downfall of the country for certain. And this is me speaking about adults watching it. Letting kids watch it is poor parenting to the point of neglect and abuse.
lol ok karen
Yeah Shane got some balls taking some of his bumps that's for sure

Love how you can see Angle say “fuck” when the glass didn’t break.
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Vinny Mac almost bought the UFC 20 years ago or so. Would’ve been hilarious to see how the UFC would’ve been with him at the helm.

Rule of thumb is Vince ventures out of Wrestling (xfl, films, bodybuilding,Icropro suplements) fail miserably. So my guess is in a alternate universe Vince bought UFC and went bankrupt in a year or so and MMA died when Pride did.
When WAR broke out, the Genetic Jackhammer led from the front lines, putting his own body on the line in the process. What an example. What an inspiration.
Shane earned the respect of the guys with the bumps he took, and he should be running the show now anyway.

As for vince, not the best wrestler, but he was pretty jacked
I cannot see a single redeeming quality about fake wrestling. It is part of the downfall of the country for certain. And this is me speaking about adults watching it. Letting kids watch it is poor parenting to the point of neglect and abuse.

It's a live action stunt show with some silly storylines mixed in. What's wrong with it?

Not much different than any other show or movie.
I love Vince. Greatest Heel ever, he entertained me almost every week. I can't watch RAW now for more than 20 minutes now, nobody gets it
Legal at him tearing his quads in that video. Like how the hell did that even happen?
Rule of thumb is Vince ventures out of Wrestling (xfl, films, bodybuilding,Icropro suplements) fail miserably. So my guess is in a alternate universe Vince bought UFC and went bankrupt in a year or so and MMA died when Pride did.

Maybe in this alternate reality, Pride survives and UFC (McMahon run) dies? I'd dig it.
Vince grew up working for his father in the business, it's well known he always wanted to be a wrestler himself but his dad wouldn't let him. Then once his dad is long dead and he owns the company, he decided to live out the dream.

Now I have a serious hatred for the guy, I fucking hate his product and think he's been a cancer in the industry. But that said, he was damn good as a performer. He might not have been super skilled but he looked the part and played it even better. It really is incredibly impressive to come in at his age and immediately have some of the biggest feuds the business has ever seen with Austin and Hogan.

Ironically Shane is probably a much better person, but I'm not a fan at all as a performer. He takes crazy bumps but that's all he does, the other guys can't do that and continue to work but Shane doesn't have to worry about that. Then you got to follow the act and people want more crazy shit like that, it's a slippery slope. Like I respect the guts but it's the little things that make wrestling work, not the big stunts.
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Shit u guys remember Marlena or Trish stratus and Debra




Even steph looked good back then

Oh and Stephanie is hot garbage. A waste of space and oxygen, completely inept at every aspect of her profession and from what I gather, life in general.
McMahon was awesome

This was biggest pop I’ve ever heard. Awesome night ... notice C level ken shamrock in there trying to help the rock

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I cannot see a single redeeming quality about fake wrestling. It is part of the downfall of the country for certain. And this is me speaking about adults watching it. Letting kids watch it is poor parenting to the point of neglect and abuse.

Shut yo bitch ass up 2020 account.

That second vid is when batista and cena both fell outta the ring during the 2005 royal rumble and hit the ground at the same time so there was no clear winner. It was an accident and Vince came out to try and save the show and actually blows both quads and has to sit in the ring. Just a hilarious failure all around.

Anyways don't watch anymore but 90s wrestling was the shit.

LOL, did he really blow out his quads?


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