Vince grew up working for his father in the business, it's well known he always wanted to be a wrestler himself but his dad wouldn't let him. Then once his dad is long dead and he owns the company, he decided to live out the dream.
Now I have a serious hatred for the guy, I fucking hate his product and think he's been a cancer in the industry. But that said, he was damn good as a performer. He might not have been super skilled but he looked the part and played it even better. It really is incredibly impressive to come in at his age and immediately have some of the biggest feuds the business has ever seen with Austin and Hogan.
Ironically Shane is probably a much better person, but I'm not a fan at all as a performer. He takes crazy bumps but that's all he does, the other guys can't do that and continue to work but Shane doesn't have to worry about that. Then you got to follow the act and people want more crazy shit like that, it's a slippery slope. Like I respect the guts but it's the little things that make wrestling work, not the big stunts.