Just started lifting to supplement my kickboxing training, in doing so I switched my diet from a low fat/med carb/high protien diet to a high fat/high protein/low carb diet to try to put on some muscle mass. Was fighting at 155 at 5'10" and want to bulk up a little bit. But, since the diet change, I have lost my 4 pack (ha, can't ever seem to get the 6) and a friend recommended a fat burner supplement to help. So far after a ton of research online I have narrowed it down to Lipo 6x or Hydroxycut Hardcore. I know some people are going to say they are a waste of money, but just for the energy/hunger suppressent it's worth trying. Has anyone here tried either and have anything positive/negitive to say about it? Or if I get really lucky, anyone tried both and have an opinion on which worked better? Like I said, I am trying to build muscle, and so far what I have been hearing is HH will burn more fat, but I will lose muscle + strength as well, which obviously is not what I want, where as Lipo 6x will burn less fat, but I won't lose the strength + muscle. I am leaning toward the Lipo... Any help?