Lipo 6x vs Hydroxycut Hardcore


White Belt
Jul 11, 2007
Reaction score
Just started lifting to supplement my kickboxing training, in doing so I switched my diet from a low fat/med carb/high protien diet to a high fat/high protein/low carb diet to try to put on some muscle mass. Was fighting at 155 at 5'10" and want to bulk up a little bit. But, since the diet change, I have lost my 4 pack (ha, can't ever seem to get the 6) and a friend recommended a fat burner supplement to help. So far after a ton of research online I have narrowed it down to Lipo 6x or Hydroxycut Hardcore. I know some people are going to say they are a waste of money, but just for the energy/hunger suppressent it's worth trying. Has anyone here tried either and have anything positive/negitive to say about it? Or if I get really lucky, anyone tried both and have an opinion on which worked better? Like I said, I am trying to build muscle, and so far what I have been hearing is HH will burn more fat, but I will lose muscle + strength as well, which obviously is not what I want, where as Lipo 6x will burn less fat, but I won't lose the strength + muscle. I am leaning toward the Lipo... Any help?
I have taken both products and I would definitely recommend Lipo 6x. I used Hydroxycut Hardcore and it nearly gave me a heart attack. I went to the Dr. and had my BP read and It was through the roof. I went back after I was taking the Lipo 6x and during the peak of it's energy performance and I was normal. Hydroxycut also made me dizzy as well. Go with the Lipo 6x! I take VPX Redline right now and I like it as well, I would say that Redline and Lipo 6x are about the same.

NOTE: I am not convinced that any of these supplements burn fat. I have been taking some variant of fat burner since 1996, started out taking the original Ripped Fuel in the brown bottle by Twinlab. The only thing I use these for is energy to get me through my Cardio sessions.

You are trying to GAIN weight, yet you want a fat burner/appetite suppressant?

Quit being a girl and worrying about your abzzz ffs

Eat food, train hard, lift smart, rest, repeat

You are trying to GAIN weight, yet you want a fat burner/appetite suppressant?

Quit being a girl and worrying about your abzzz ffs

Eat food, train hard, lift smart, rest, repeat

+ 1
I take hydrolean a hour before class, not because i want to burn fat just for the energy. to be honest i dont even know it it works as much as a physocalogical boost.

sometimes i find im wired during class but i dont look at it as a "fat burner" more of a "energy boost"
Lipo 6x is good for appetite supression and for an energy boost, but you can find Caffeine anhydrous tablets for mad cheap on like or Probably would save you fifteen dollars and all you have to do is try a little harder eating right. But if you're set on a fat burner, I really liked Lipo 6x. I was literally never hungry, had less interest in crappy foods (unlike normal, when my mouth would basically water when I passed Wendy's or McDonalds). However, I was using it to help me change my diet completely, which I succeeded in doing and have been able to keep up even without it. And I would say it sped up my fat loss if not significantly, at least somewhat noticeably. Hope that helps
I am in the supplement feild- your best bet is 4 grams of CLA a day. it burns body fat according to several studies-but has no simulants in it. It is not fast but it does not burn calories or cause you to burn up your protein supplement before you absorb it. AND the truth is most diet aids only work as good as the person using it works out. I know people who have done well with cla
I am in the supplement feild- your best bet is 4 grams of CLA a day. it burns body fat according to several studies-but has no simulants in it. It is not fast but it does not burn calories or cause you to burn up your protein supplement before you absorb it. AND the truth is most diet aids only work as good as the person using it works out. I know people who have done well with cla

So which is it?
whats cla stand for

probably stupid question but i really dont care
CLA is very costly to show any benefit.
I was reading some reviews after my doctor told me taking these could easily cause heart problems. I found a couple guys that had to stop due to irregular heart beats and other cases that were more sever.. I've taken redline(liquid and capsules) lipo6 and endorush on a 5 week on, 4 week off cycle. Are they really this dangerous though? I can't find any studies stating yes or no.

Edit: I plan on taking HOT_ROX extreme or Stacker 3 next.
I was reading some reviews after my doctor told me taking these could easily cause heart problems. I found a couple guys that had to stop due to irregular heart beats and other cases that were more sever.. I've taken redline(liquid and capsules) lipo6 and endorush on a 5 week on, 4 week off cycle. Are they really this dangerous though? I can't find any studies stating yes or no.

Edit: I plan on taking HOT_ROX extreme or Stacker 3 next.

I know for a fact Hydroxycut Hardcore is. Maybe it's just me, who knows? But I always get my BP read while I am at the peak of these supplements to make sure I am not doing any damage. Lipo 6 and Redline proved to work and keep my BP normal. ALL Muscletech products were bad business (Thermoshred & Hydroxycut)
Luke, thanks dude, exactly what I was hoping for, a review from someone who has taken both. Going to order the Lipo.
i only tried Lipo 6. It works fine for energy and appetite suprresent. I would recommend it.

You are trying to GAIN weight, yet you want a fat burner/appetite suppressant?

Quit being a girl and worrying about your abzzz ffs

Eat food, train hard, lift smart, rest, repeat

couldn't agree more,
but if its what you want i would definatly prefer lipo 6,
it won fat burner of the year and i know people who have used it with great sucess
i tried hydroxycut... didnt notice much of anything really... it didnt give me jitters or anything like people said. i felt 100% normal. i could even take it then fall asleep like 2 hours after. people told me it would give me trouble if i took it close to bed time.

so i dunno. i am curious to try lipo6 tho
i tried hydroxycut... didnt notice much of anything really... it didnt give me jitters or anything like people said. i felt 100% normal. i could even take it then fall asleep like 2 hours after. people told me it would give me trouble if i took it close to bed time.

so i dunno. i am curious to try lipo6 tho
I liked redline alot more than lipo6. Lipo didnt do much for me. I got a buncha free bottles of EndoRush at the Arnold Classic this year and I have to admit that energy whise they were absolutely crazy. I wouldn't be able to stop running if I started moving.
I liked redline alot more than lipo6. Lipo didnt do much for me. I got a buncha free bottles of EndoRush at the Arnold Classic this year and I have to admit that energy whise they were absolutely crazy. I wouldn't be able to stop running if I started moving.

I've tried the EndoRush as well, and ya it was pretty good for energy. Big crash for me after though.

But aren't Endo and Lipo-6 2 different things? Endo for energy, Lipo for fat burning?