Lion vs. Crocodile

I am more a chicken guy so I would like to see my cock fight your cock to see which cock would be the one to rule all cocks. 1 cock to rule them all I say.
HAHAHAHAHA. You're hilarious bro, I look forward to more of your post.

The Mapogos. It's a great documentary. Mr. T and Kinky Tail were mad men, especially Mr. T.
Yeah, once they reached maturity they ruled with brutality.

Their desire for power ended up being their downfall as they went off on their own to rule the eastern end of their terrain only to end up out numbered by that new group of young lions.

Poor Kinky Tail - his end was brutal.
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Correct me if I am wrong but I am under the impression the Tiger is a much larger animal while having a speed/agility advantage.

They can be. But on average they’re pretty close to size. In the wild African Males are between 450-475 pounds.. Bengals are closer to 500 and Siberian’s are 500 plus.. but that’s the average. Plenty of them under and over those sizes.

Biggest cat found and recorded in the wild is actually a Bengal Tiger that was roughly 800 pounds (found in the 60’s if iirc). That’s obviously a huge cat. But it’s also an extreme outlier.

When you view them in parks, sanctuaries, and Zoo’s you’ll notice they’re much closer in size. That said, Tigers seem to be a bit more compactly built while Lions tend to be either bulky looking or lean depending on the cat.

Either way, if you read enough you’ll find that people studying this stuff generally agree that both cats are very close in size.. while ‘record holding’ documented cats at their largest have been found to be Tigers.
ALL of the videos I've seen, the tiger easily wins. They're bigger and stronger. Lions and tigers are both apex predators, but their current territories tend not to overlap. Tigers aren't in Africa and lions are almost all in sub-Saharan Africa these days. Typically what happens is people house them together in captivity and sometimes they fight, either organically or people manipulate them into doing it so they can film it.

A tiger can't beat up an male lions easily. Male lions face way harder predators in Africa compared to a tiger who has no natural enemy in jungle. This tiger had trouble with a small female bear...

One thing I will say is that while there aren't many actual fights on youtube there are many videos of little skirmishes and altercations in zoos in asia where they cage lions and tigers together. For some reason lions are usually dominant over the tigers, and can intimidate them. Maybe it's just due to the tigers solitary nature and them being more cautious, rather than the lion actually being able to defeat them in battle
I think the high end weight of a male lion is 550 lbs the adult male tiger is close to 700 lbs.

Tigers have the muscular advantage.
The male Lion is the 2nd fastest cat in the world and can run up to 45mph.. as for size, on average Tigers have anywhere from 25 pounds to maybe maybe 100 pounds on them.. but male Lions can get huge too.

And after watching tons of video and reading quite a bit about both.. in many cases they’re very close in size.. even Siberian’s. I think in the wild Lions are a bit more lean than a Tiger while the Tiger is more compact.

In any event, size and strength doesn’t always win a fight. It really would depend on the cats. If you’re taking a prime male Lion and putting him up against a seasoned prime Tiger -both from the wild- it’s a coin toss. I personally think the Tiger wins if it can score a big blow immediately, but the longer the fight goes on the Lion has the advantage as I think the Lion has better stamina. Tigers are very much like house cats. Very quick and explosive, but they won’t look to stay in a prolonged engagement. A Lion has a different mentality, they’re social, used to hunting in prides, and they like to fight.

Imo.. a fight in the wild between the two ends in a draw most times with the Lions fighting experience being able to survive the Tigers immediate aggression.. and the Tiger deciding it’s not worth it and disengaging and finding a way out.

Caged up? I think the Lion may have the advantage due to stamina and a fixed environment leaving the Tiger at a disadvantage because the Tiger can’t use all its strengths (agility, quickness) as well and it would run a greater possibility of gassing out. Tigers like to fight off their back legs and circle while backing up a bit.. a Lion moves forward a lot when fighting and tries not to give up ground. In a caged environment that could be bad for the Tiger.

Would add lot of what happened in the coliseum was fixed in some way, as gambling was huge back then too and lot of under the table gimmicks were done
Had cool italian book about gladiatorial games (including animals) in ancient Rome, was bit hype killer read how essentially almost everything happening in the arena was to some extent fixed or having just few non-fixed legit things (where "well informed" people would not bet money) to mask it a bit

Considering lion was the local favourite as part of roman world imagery and tiger was seen as a foreign symbol of asia, would not be surprised if most in the audience would bet money on the lion due cultural bias (just think how on north-american site sherdog bunch of adults would tell you a grizzly would have "good chances" vs a rhino, because to them the animal is familiar), wich would make "help" the tiger the smart thing to do if you have hands on gambing money

On other side also the tiger winning vast majority seems suspect too, as that also would make the gambling suffer
Even imagining that could have been the case then "help" the lion would be the smart thing to do

At the end make most gamblers bet wrong was the core point for profit, so some sort of 50/50 (natural or fixed) was the most likely situation

Wich tbhwould make sense considering the animals used were roughly of same size and had similar weapons, to not count likely lot of lions/tigers were likely weakened by poor conditions and past injuries and have to face a fresh/healthy cat, often animals would be thrown there knowing they will lose just to be used for a show one last time

To be fair lions used by romans were a north african subspecies (barbary lion) wich is now extinct and used to be big as tigers

The mostly used tigers were a large and extinct subspecies too (caspian tiger), supposed to be bit smaller than siberian but bigger than bengal

Actually if we want believe as accurate the weight claimed for these lions (i don't know if believe it) they were not only heavier than the caspian tiger, but they would be on average heavier than a siberian tiger too
But to not dive much on an answer we can't verify, let's take they was more or less of same size
Guess on general is not crazy believe that humans driving barbary lions to extinction, and killing lot of biggest subsaharian ones due trophy hunting in more recent centuries had heavy effect on today lions (and lot of other african animals) size
Even if also on tigers was noticed similar effect, have no way to know if to bigger or lesser extent
One thing we know is that ancient or even recent centuries past never spoke much about tigers being the bigger cat, while today would say on average seems kinda easy notice tigers (siberian/bengal) are usually more massive

But as general rule may add when it comes to the size of tigers, lions, grizzlies or any animal that had bit of cool factor going on, people will throw (knowing to lie or not) fake numbers or numbers without context
One would think with internet going on people would be MORE informed, yet apparently interned just made the bullshit machine louder

And most of times people today still recycle fake shit of fuckton of times ago
Like internet would still tell you in teh old west a grizzly 1-shot karate chopped a bull, because it was written on some 1800s newspaper
I mean who know bit would tell bear in the wild would not mess with bull bison, and even taking on a female or weakened individual (or a smaller animal, like a boar) it will be a relatively long struggle where bear will use his big strenght paws to grab trying to slow down the prey and keep it on the spot the bovid biting multiple times the back of the neck area
Yet the arena grizzly waited angry huge cocain bull twice his size charging at him like an calm anime samurai, and swiftly karatechopped it into death in mid run, because newspaper said so

Example another hilarious trend i seen is people engaging in "lion vs tiger" bullshit as if they're teams with supporters throwing at each others fake facts and insults, hoping to proof once and for all that "their" fav pokemon have higher dragon ball power level lmao

Cliffs: tigers, lions, bears, yourfavcoolanimal in real world tend to be smaller and less incredible than teh internet says lol
Yea people put way too much stock into those old stories. I've read all kinds of stories that just seem like complete bullshit. Stories of lions killing big ass brown bears, one shotting bears, lionesses killing polar bears. You can go on youtube and see a video of a full grown lioness struggling basically fighting to a stalemate with a little black bear. Videos of tigers struggling with little bears in asia. No way a big tiger or lion is taking down a big bear, much less beating one with one strike
I think the high end weight of a male lion is 550 lbs the adult male tiger is close to 700 lbs.

Tigers have the muscular advantage.
Tigers have more beta personalities though. They are naturally much more skittish and afraid and fight far less often than male lions do.
I think the high end weight of a male lion is 550 lbs the adult male tiger is close to 700 lbs.

Tigers have the muscular advantage.

They definitely do. My question would be who has the higher will to fight. I would pick a lion because from birth they are always fighting. It's starts with their brothers in the pack ,then other males to take over prides . Then you have all the other animals they face in Africa. The male lion faces war far more than a tiger who literally has no completion in jungle .

That small female black bear video I posted showed her will to fight was higher than the tiger. The tiger gave up an ran after the bear would just give up .
See and this is where it’s hard to get actual reliable data.. Zoologists and people who study this stuff say that the Siberian is the largest cat to ever have lived naturally.. even tho the largest Cat ever found in the wild and recorded was a Bengal.. I don’t believe Lions have ever been bigger on average after everything I’ve read about it.

Today siberian tigers are surely the largest cat on average (unless siberian shrunk in last years to the point bengal have now higher average weight, but i doubt as probably bengal average shrunk too)
To have "ever lived" no, if we dig in the past bunch of prehistoric big cats were larger

About barbary lions being that large as i said i'm the first to don't believe it much, 270-300kg range sold as average feels ridicolous even if was another subspecies and were other times
These weights sold as average would be huge bullshit even for siberian tiger, let alone for a lion subspecie in a less cold climate
Truth it's likely less exceptional, barbary lions were probably just around same size of bengal/siberian tigers, with a 220-250kg range being already very generous and occasional exceptional freaks going close or passing a bit 300 (just like tigers)

To me, most people seem to base their decision on who would win off if who is bigger, but I’ve come to the conclusion that on average a male Tiger and male Lion are close enough in size that it’s not as big of a difference. Both have their plus’s and minus’s in a fight due to how they’ve revolved, but I personally think it’s closer than most people realize.

In the end, they’re both giant badass cats that aren’t to be fucked with.

I call it a draw.

That's mostly how it is indeed
Just big cats with more than enough power and weapons to kill each other, who survive would be based on individual, "luck" and wich one manage to cause a deadly/serious wound first or wich one get exausted

All the pokemon stats are or should be stuff for kids, yet somehow became some kind of internet bro-science that replace reality in most of online debates lol
Today siberian tigers are surely the largest cat on average (unless siberian shrunk in last years to the point bengal have now higher average weight, but i doubt as probably bengal average shrunk too)
To have "ever lived" no, if we dig in the past bunch of prehistoric big cats were larger

About barbary lions being that large as i said i'm the first to don't believe it much, 270-300kg range sold as average feels ridicolous even if was another subspecies and were other times
These weights sold as average would be huge bullshit even for siberian tiger, let alone for a lion subspecie in a less cold climate
Truth it's likely less exceptional, barbary lions were probably just around same size of bengal/siberian tigers, with a 220-250kg range being already very generous and occasional exceptional freaks going close or passing a bit 300 (just like tigers)

That's mostly how it is indeed
Just big cats with more than enough power and weapons to kill each other, who survive would be based on individual, "luck" and wich one manage to cause a deadly/serious wound first or wich one get exausted

All the pokemon stats are or should be stuff for kids, yet somehow became some kind of internet bro-science that replace reality in most of online debates lol

Barbary Lions still exist in captivity and were documented in the wild up until the 1960’s, they are not as large as Siberian’s.

According to most sources I’ve read, Siberian Tigers are the largest cats known to ever exist in the wild Smilodon for example was close in size but not bigger.

Ligers are technically the largest but they are basically a man made breed.
A tiger can't beat up an male lions easily. Male lions face way harder predators in Africa compared to a tiger who has no natural enemy in jungle. This tiger had trouble with a small female bear...

Tigers kill and eat those bears quite often. The example you’re showing is of a Tiger making a business decision not to risk injury for a meal. Doesn’t mean much in terms of who would win in a fight between a Lion and a Tiger.

Plenty of footage of Honey Badgers chasing off Lions because the Lion just doesn’t want to deal with it. Doesn’t mean a Lion can’t or won’t fight.

Hunting and fighting are two different things entirely.
Yea people put way too much stock into those old stories. I've read all kinds of stories that just seem like complete bullshit. Stories of lions killing big ass brown bears, one shotting bears, lionesses killing polar bears. You can go on youtube and see a video of a full grown lioness struggling basically fighting to a stalemate with a little black bear. Videos of tigers struggling with little bears in asia. No way a big tiger or lion is taking down a big bear, much less beating one with one strike
The attached video in the thread is a Siberian tiger encountering a Asian sloth bear. When sloth bears attack humans they go for the head adopting the moniker "face eaters".

Now imagine allowing these grizzly bears to come out and play:

Tigers kill and eat those bears quite often. The example you’re showing is of a Tiger making a business decision not to risk injury for a meal. Doesn’t mean much in terms of who would win in a fight between a Lion and a Tiger.

Plenty of footage of Honey Badgers chasing off Lions because the Lion just doesn’t want to deal with it. Doesn’t mean a Lion can’t or won’t fight.

Hunting and fighting are two different things entirely.

That tiger got push back from that female small black bear. A male lion is a bigger problem lol. Again, I'm going with battle tested big cat vs another big cat that isn't battle tested. Male lion fighting is a birth right.

Also the honey badger is the goat.
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That tiger got push back from that female small black bear. A male lion is a bigger problem lol. Again, I'm going with battle tested big cat vs another big cat that isn't battle tested.

The Tiger wasn’t after the mother tho, it was after the cubs. Either way, this is hunting, not fighting. Not worth it for the Tiger to risk injury just to win a fight. Tigers also take down much larger prey than themselves quite often, it’s not hard to find this information on YouTube. You’re getting hung up on one video clip as if it’s the final answer.

And acting like Tigers don’t live in elements that contain extremely dangerous animals such as Crocs, Elephants, Rhinos and so on is just demonstrating ignorance on the topic. Tigers have to survive on their own 100%, they don’t have a pride to help them out. A lone Lion almost certainly dies fairly quickly in this situation. Lions can risk injury fighting other animals because of their pride, Tigers can’t.. and yet they survive in some of the harshest environments on Earth. They’re plenty tested.

The Tiger wasn’t after the mother tho, it was after the cubs. Either way, this is hunting, not fighting. Not worth it for the Tiger to risk injury just to win a fight. Tigers also take down much larger prey than themselves quite often, it’s not hard to find this information on YouTube. You’re getting hung up on one video clip as if it’s the final answer.

And acting like Tigers don’t live in elements that contain extremely dangerous animals such as Crocs, Elephants, Rhinos and so on is just demonstrating ignorance on the topic. Tigers have to survive on their own 100%, they don’t have a pride to help them out. A lone Lion almost certainly dies fairly quickly in this situation. Lions can risk injury fighting other animals because of their pride, Tigers can’t.. and yet they survive in some of the harshest environments on Earth. They’re plenty tested.

Agree male lions can risk more because their pride will take care of them while they heal from injuries. However that's my point about male lions being more battle tested, the fight way more than tigers and that's not even debatable . A tiger is more cautious like you said and won't risk certain battles. That alone would put the tiger at a disadvantage against a male lion who has been battling since a cub.

And while I don’t favor big cats Vs Bears.. it has been documented that Siberian’s have hunted and killed large Brown Bears in Russia.



Maybe, hard to believe when that smaller female black bear put up a decent fight. I don't know brown bear temperament though. I'm assuming a brown bear is not a grizzly bear..

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