Lifting the same day as skill training?


White Belt
Apr 29, 2008
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The gym where I do my strength workout is shutting down.I am going to have to move to a new one which is only 1-2 miles away from my boxing gym, and on the route to the boxing gym.

Currently I do 2 strength workouts per week, and I do boxing on the other 3 days.

As this gym is close to my boxing gym I was thinking of splitting up my 2 day full body routine and doing it over 5 days- so I would only do 1-2 excercises per day, I could then head straight to train in boxing immediately afterwards, training 5 nights boxing would obviously see my skills improve at a quicker rate than training 3 nights.

Do you think this is a good idea? anyone else do likwise? I know Ricky Hatton does 10-15 mins of weight at the end of every boxing session.

If you have to do them the same day, then its skill first.
Or better yet separate the sessions with atleast 4hours.

Or if your really into boxing, go the 5 times per week if its possible for you to do so. Get used to that and then add your lifting.
WHy would you do lifting after an intense training session? I vote for weights first and than skill training afterwards. So your not tiring yourself out with the skill stuff, and than trying to lift heavy weights.
Skill training may be misleading here. Skill training could mean pure technique and therefore doesn't necessarily mean it's a hard workout. Skill training could be done every day. If by skill training you mean beating the shit out of a bag or going rounds on the focus mitts... that's a little different.

Normally, skill training should be done before fatigue sets in as fatigue can disrupt motor patters.

I really see no reason to lift 5 days a week for a boxer though... but it really depends on priorities and goals.
If I lift 5 days per week, it would mean I would not have to have 2 days in the week where I could not do boxing training as I am in the gym doing weights and then too tired after to do boxing.

My Boxing training would include heavy bag/pads/shadow boxing etc

I was thinking if I only done 1-2 sets of strength excercises per day I would be doing them fresher and could concentrate on 1-2 lifts specifically each day.

Proffesinal boxers would box 5 days per week, so i want to try and train as close to their regime as possible.
If your boxing days require a lot of conditioning work, I'd probably lift first. Adjust your lifting volume as you see fit to maintain a high performance level at boxing.
the new gym is close to your boxing gym, but how close are they to your home/work?

I only bring it up becuase I do lift on the same days I skill train and it's fine -- but I lift first thing in the morning and don't roll until 730pm -- if you can split it like that, in my experience, you should be ok
I nearly always lift and train on the same day - just not enough days in the week to do otherwise.

Personally, I'd switch it up some.

Lift before training some days, to learn to use your head while you're tired.

Train before lifting some days, so you can focus on skills/techniques.

See which suits you best, then do the other - to train to your weaknesses.
we do it every day at the olympic training center, but then again, i never, ever see the boxers in there
I find my skill training effects my lifting moreso than my lifting effects my skill training, so I try to lift first whenever possible.
Where possible and especially leading into a fight your technique and skill training should be done first, because if you are fighting then you should be a fighter first and a lifter second.

If you have the time split the training over the day with 4 to 6 hours between the sessions, there are days when I have to lift first. Other days I train mma first, Green Monkey gave you some good advice.

But be warned that your gym progress will slow to some degree. And I would think carefully about a 5 day per week lifting program, it can be done but speaking from experience and having the backing of a few top level trainers I would recomend 4 days a week maximum of heavy lifting whilst you are doing so much fight training.

Best of luck and tells us how your training goes.
I am not spliting them up and doing them hours apart. Both gyms are only about 5-7 miles from my house but the price of petrol is a disgrace just now and I am not making any more trips than I ned to, its costing me about
take away those 2 lifting days and substitute it for boxing

you should worry about perfecting you boxing before anything else
from 5 years of competing amateur boxing this is what gave me best results. in the morning: m,w,f 3-5 mile run t,th,sat-ross type night/afternoon- skill training first 5 days a week, then take fast twitch(pwo drink)and lift after...i think you need to see what works for you i used all diff. combos but found that my fast twitch gave me the energy to lift very hard even after sparring,bag,mitts...