Lifting, Sprinting & Mobility ... ing

na i can't stand watching soccer but i'm cheering in spirit.

and yeah cold showers do feel good. hot-cold showers too. bit harder in winter though...

Bench Press 5/3/1 [102.5 training max, week 3]
40kg x 5 x 2
50 x 5 x 2
60 x 3 x 2

75 x 5
87.5 x 3
97.5 x 1 + 3 = 4

52.5 x 5 x 3

Push ups
Bodyweight x 50 x 3

Side Lateral Raises
10kg x 10 x 3
Yeah they're gonna suck in Winter for sure, but for now I'm enjoying them. Body feels good, & I no longer need a coffee in the mornings.


Zercher Squat 5/3/1 [150kg training max, week 3]
60kg x 5 x 2
75 x 5 x 2
90 x 5 x 2

112.5 x 5
127.5 x 3
142.5 x 1 + 3 = 4

BB Hip Thrusts
100kg x 10 x 3

DB Bulgarian Split Squat
Bodyweight x 5
22's x 5
28's x 5
34's x 5
38's x 5

Supine Neck Bridge
30 secs x 3

RKC Plank
75 secs x 3
Just to remind myself - I've been eating chicken virtually every night for the past month. Last night I had 250g of beef. I woke up today feeling the worst I have in some time. No energy, mentally sloppy, down in general. Probably no connection but it's worth keeping an eye on.

Edit: Macros were 50 carb, 25 fat, 25 protein

Yesterday: Rest, Mobility: Modified Limber 11


Today: Mobility: Modified Limber 11


Endurance: 2km Run [07:41]


Later: Strength (Light): Bench Press

Bar x 10
60kg x 10
60kg x 10
60kg x 10

Zercher Squats

Bar x 10
50kg x 10
50kg x 10
50kg x 10


Bar x 10
30 x 10
30 x 10
30 x 10

Pull Ups

Bodyweight x 8
Bodyweight x 8
Bodyweight x 8


Cold Showers: 24/28
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x whatever.

A few of the other guys @ work can get about the same distance as me so .... game on.

You'll be hitting 5 x 100 on the bench in no time soon. Good work mate.

Deadlift 5/3/1 [150kg training max, week 3]
60kg x 5 x 2
75 x 5
90 x 3

112.5 x 5
127.5 x 3
142.5 x 1 + 3 = 4

Weighted Pull Ups
+10kg x 10 x 3


Face Pulls
10kg x 15 x 3

16's x 10 x 3
Cheers Rik, appreciate it mate. It was on of my original goals when I started my log last May. I was stuck @ 92.5 for ages, but in the last few weeks the 95 has been going up quite easily. I hope you're right!

Mobility: Modified Limber 11


Strength: Pull Ups

Bodyweight x 8
+10kg x 5
+22.5kg x 5
Bodyweight x 8

Bench Press

50kg x 8
70kg x 8
95 x 5
60 x 10

Zercher Squats

50kg x 10
60 x 8
85 x 5
60 x 8


Bar x 8
35 x 8
57.5 x 5
30 x 10

No assistance today, I was still feeling a little bit sluggish & was short for time.


Cold Showers: 26/28

Bench Press 5/3/1 [102.5 training max, week 4 - Deload]
Bar x 8
50kg x 8 x 4

Bar x 8
30kg x 8 x 4

DB Triceps
5kg x 10 x 3

Push ups
Bodyweight x 15 x 3

DB Side Lateral Raises
5kg x 10 x 3

Deloads make sense but they tend to make me feel sorer & worse in general. Hopefully if I stick to them it'll work out in the long run.
Mobility: Modified Limber 11


Strength: Bench Press

50kg x 8
70kg x 8
95 x 5
60 x 10

Zercher Squats

50kg x 10
65 x 8
90 x 5
60 x 8

DB Split Squats

Bodyweight x 8
36kg x 5


Bar x 8
35 x 8
57.5 x 5
30 x 10

Pull Ups

Bodyweight x 8
+10kg x 5
+22.5kg x 5
Bodyweight x 8


Cold Showers: 27/28

Feels like I haven't sprinted for a while, looking forward to tomorrow. Zerchers felt easy, they should overtake my bench in a few weeks.

Zercher Squat 5/3/1 [150kg training max, week 4 - deload]
60kg x 8 x 3
80 x 5
100 x 5

Supine Neck Bridge
30 secs x 3

RKC Plank
75 secs x 3
How you liking the Zercher's mate?

Nice work!
Zercher squats... that's something man. I did them when I was no pussy, which was like never.
Cheers Thom. I'm loving them m8. My forearms have adjusted to the bar, and holding it there feels completely fine. At this stage everything feels well balanced. I think if I stay injury free working up to a single of about 140kg by mid year will be a realistic goal.


Speed: Sprints

Slow Jog

300 (Walk)
300 (Walk)
300 (Walk)


Mobility: Modified Limber 11


Cold Showers: 28/28

These are starting to feel like habit, which is what I wanted. I'm going to extend the number to 100, then I'll reflect on them, post my results & decide if they're worth continuing.
Zercher squats... that's something man. I did them when I was no pussy, which was like never.

they'll put some hair on your forearms


Deadlift 5/3/1 [150kg training max, week 4 - deload]

Zercher Lift
60kg x 5 x 2
60 x 3
80 x 3
100 x 1 x 3
Mobility: Modified Limber 11


GPP: Circuit

200 Jump rope rotations
23 Push ups
10 Zercher Squats (20kg)
RKC Plank (40 seconds)

No rest x 5


Cold Showers: 29/100

Bench Press 5/3/1 [105kg training max, week 1]
45kg x 5
55 x 5
65 x 3

70 x 5
80 x 5
90 x 5 + 3 = 8

Bar x 8
55 x 5 x 3

Rope Pulldowns
35kg x 10 x 3

DB Side Laterals
10kg x 10 x 3

Push Ups
Bodyweight x 50 x 3

Everything felt really good. My glutes/elbows were feeling a little tight, but I had a massage yesterday which seems to have helped, in addition to the short deload.
Mobility: Modified Limber 11


Strength: Bench Press

50kg x 8
70kg x 8
95 x 5
60 x 10

Zercher Squats

50kg x 10
65 x 8
90 x 5
60 x 8


Bar x 10
35 x 8
57.5 x 5
30 x 10

DB Split Squats

Bodyweight x 8
36kg x 5

Pull Ups

Bodyweight x 8
+10kg x 5
+22.5kg x 5
Bodyweight x 8


Cold Showers: 30/100



Zercher Squat 5/3/1 [155kg training max, week 1]
60kg x 5 x 2
75 x 5 x 2
90 x 5 x 2

100 x 5
115 x 5
130 x 5 + 5 = 10

BB Hip Thrusts
100kg x 10 x 3

DB Bulgarian Split Squat
Bodyweight x 5
22's x 5
28's x 5
34's x 5

Supine Neck Bridge
30 secs x 3

RKC Plank
75 secs x 3

Knees, groin, back, shoulders are all crackling & popping, but I passed the no pain test so ... onward.
Nice work mate, those are some heavy split squats!

Deadlift 5/3/1 [155kg training max, week 1]
60kg x 5
75 x 5
90 x 5

100 x 5
115 x 5
130 x 5 + 3 = 8

Weighted Pull Ups
+10kg x 10 x 3

Assisted, 10 x 3

Face Pulls
10kg x 15 x 3

Today was meant to be off but I felt like training. My 5/3/1 weeks have been 6 days instead of 7 (day on day off). This week will probably be 5 days but I don't plan on making it a habit.

Deadlifts felt good again. I don't want to do too much volume so I stopped @ 8 reps, but I'm confident I had a few more. Last week my hamstrings woke up and started working for me; this week I tried to engage my core more & that also helped. Things are slowly coming together with this lift.
Nice work mate, those are some heavy split squats!

Thanks mate, they're building up slowly but surely :)

Overslept today, barely squeezed this session in before work. Will do the mobility work later on during my break.


Strength: Bench Press

50kg x 8
70kg x 8
95 x 5
60 x 10

Zercher Squats

50kg x 10
60 x 8
90 x 5
60 x 8


Bar x 10
35 x 8
57.5 x 5
X Missed

Was in a rush & missed the last set. It's only one, but it's worth logging. Small misses here & there build up. Miss something once, and you're far more likely to miss it twice. Habit is everything, and the last thing I want is to feel like I can skip sets.

Pull Ups

Bodyweight x 8
+10kg x 5
+22.5kg x 5
Bodyweight x 8


Cold Showers: 31/100


Mobility: Modified Limber 11
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Bench Press 5/3/1 [105kg training max, week 2]
45kg x 5
55 x 5
65 x 3

70 x 3
85 x 3
95 x 3 + 3 = 6

Bar x 8
55 x 5 x 3

Rope Pulldowns
35kg x 10 x 3

DB Side Laterals
10kg x 10 x 3

Push Ups
Bodyweight x 50 x 3
Last few days I've felt really blah. Sleep patterns are fucked - I'm falling asleep @ about 14:00, then waking at 21:00 for work. Not ideal. I've also been trying to cut back on caffeine, so it will be interesting to see how much this affects my strength tomorrow.


Yesterday: Rest, Mobility: Modified Limber 11


Today: Mobility: Modified Limber 11


Strength (Light): Bench Press

Bar x 10
50kg x 10
50kg x 10
50kg x 10
50kg x 10

Zercher Squats

50kg x 10
50kg x 10
50kg x 10
50kg x 10


Bar x 10
30 x 10
30 x 10
30 x 10

Pull Ups

Bodyweight x 8
Bodyweight x 8
Bodyweight x 8

Didn't want to be there today and rushed through it. No running.


Cold Showers: 33/100

These are starting to feel stupid/pointless. I think they make my good moods even better, but my bad moods even worse. Will stick to my commitment though and get to 100.
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Feeling back on track. No coffee + no music @ the gym = no bueno, fixed that today.

Mobility: Modified Limber 11


Strength: Bench Press

50kg x 8
70kg x 8
95 x 5
60 x 10

Zercher Squats

50kg x 10
60 x 8
92.5 x 5
60 x 8


Bar x 10
35 x 8
57.5 x 5 <=== Nearly fell backward, nearly missed the last rep :/
30 x 10

DB Split Squats

Bodyweight x 8
36kg x 5

Pull Ups

Bodyweight x 8
+10kg x 5
+22.5kg x 5 <=== This felt easy which is encouraging.
Bodyweight x 8

Upright Machine Rows

26'something kg x 8
41'something kg x 8


Cold Showers: 35/100


A run is definitely on the cards later because I want to stay awake and re-set my sleep patterns, but we'll see.

Edit: Endurance: Hill Climb

1km, 130m elevation gain. 8mins 15 secs. Tripped just as I reached the summit and ate shit in front of a bunch of old ladies, good times.
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Mobility: Modified Limber 11


Strength: Bench Press

50kg x 8
70kg x 8
95 x 5
60 x 10

Zercher Squats

Gentle Cycling [10 mins]
Bar x 10
50kg x 8
65 x 8
92.5 x 5
60 x 8


Bar x 10
35 x 8
57.5 x 5
30 x 8

Pull Ups

Bodyweight x 8
+10kg x 5
+22.5kg x 5
Bodyweight x 8

Upright Machine Row

24 x 8
42 x 8

OA Isometric Row Machine

40 x 8
60 x 8


Cold Showers: 36/100
Mobility: Modified Limber 11


Although squatting was fine yesterday, running is another story. I feel like I'm going to need a good week off from that. So, today I did some miscellaneous stuff.

Misc: Swimming

25m x 10

Yep, I suck at swimming as much as ever

Ab Wheel [From knees]


First time trying it. Felt it more in my shoulders/arms/lower back than abs to be honest.

Neck Harness

+5kg x 30
+15kg x 5
+5kg x 30

Again first time, I'm going to make these a regular part of my routine. I'll do them on the days I don't lift, along with some grip work once I find out how to best train it.


Cold Showers: 38/100
Mobility: Modified Limber 11


Misc: Neck Harness

+5kg x 30
+10kg x 15
+15kg x 10
+10kg x 15

RKC Plank

1 minute x 2


Cold Showers: 39/100


Edit: Bro wanted to train, so I decided to bring my strength day forward.

Strength: Bench Press

50kg x 8
70kg x 8
95 x 5
60 x 10

Zercher Squats

Bar x 10
50kg x 8
65 x 8
95 x 5
60 x 8


Bar x 10
35 x 8
57.5 x 5
30 x 8

Weighted Pull Ups

Bodyweight x 8
+10kg x 5
+22.5kg x 5
Bodyweight x 8

Upright Machine Row

24 x 8
42 x 8

Assisted One Arm Chin Ups [Left & Right]

-47kg x 5
-40 x 5
-33 x 3
-26 x 2
-19 x 1
-54 x 5
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Mobility: Modified Limber 11


Strength: Bench Press

50kg x 8
70kg x 8
97.5 x 5 (PB) <=== Last one was a grinder, but it got there.
60 x 10

Zercher Squats

50kg x 8
65 x 8
95 x 5
60 x 8


Bar x 10
35 x 8
60 x 4 (PB) <=== Couldn't quite get 5, but a PB by default. Will wait another few weeks then try again.
30 x 8

Pull Ups

Bodyweight x 8
+10kg x 5
+25kg x 5 (PB) <=== This felt solid.
Bodyweight x 8

DB Split Squats

Bodyweight x 8
36kg x 5


So in the last month & a half, my 5 rep max for bench & pull ups have both gone up by 5kg's [92.5 ==> 97.5, +20kg ==> +25kg]. I'm really enjoying the full body workouts, & the extra volume seems to be working.

My back keeps getting better which is awesome. I'm thinking about adding in Romanian Deadlifts. This would make my workouts consist of an upper & lower push/pull movement.

Cold Showers: 41/100
Just popping in to remember what real training looks like. Nice bench PR! The century here we come!
Thanks LZD, if I could tonne up x5 in a month from now I'd be very pleased.


Yesterday [17/2/15] (Rest) Mobility: Modified Limber 11


Misc: Neck Harness
10kg x 15 [Push]
10kg x 15 [Pull]
2.5kg x 30

2.5kg x 30


Today [18/2/15] Mobility: Modified Limber 11


Strength (Light) Bench Press
50kg x 10
60 x 10
60 x 10
60 x 10
50 x 10

Zercher Squats
50 x 10
60 x 10
60 x 10
60 x 10
50 x 10

25 x 10
25 x 10
25 x 10

Decided to make these a bit lighter, 30kg x 10 was a bit harder than I'd like for a deload day.

Pull Ups
Bodyweight x 8
Bodyweight x 8
Bodyweight x 8


Cold Showers: 44/100​
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