FAQ is a good place to start. Strength is strength, whether you use that strength to beat someone senseless or to do farmwork...
How you go about building that strength is tough to tell you but compound exercises with barbells is probably the single greatest way to do it, assuming you know proper exercise mechanics or put forth the effort to learn. However you should also dedicate extra time to build competency in balance, agility, speed, flexibility, as these areas are also very important for a fighter but probably should be addressed separately. Other things like sandbags, DBs, KBs, Kegs, humans (firemans carry up stairs,etc) can all be very useful in building strength.
Chase your new identity has been uncovered and banned....perhaps next time you will be a bit more deceptive with another SN....Cha-seT? CH_SE_T?...I am only joking bro but hope you find a way back to participate on this forum, you're a strong dude and it's good to ahve you a part of this forum.