Lesnar has a ridiculously underated chinLet us not forget that Stipe had to eat some punches to do what he did. I'm not quite sure that Brock could take those shots.
Let us not forget that Stipe had to eat some punches to do what he did. I'm not quite sure that Brock could take those shots.
Francisco Ngannou would KO Bork Larsner in teh first round.
Lesnar has a ridiculously underated chin
go watch carwin fight and come back
Brock would be top 3 fighter right now. He beats anyone at heavyweight except Stipe and healthy Cain
Yeah like Overeem...
It's actually ridiculously over-rated because of the Carwin fight. Carwin landed nothing solid on him standing. It was a glancing shot that sent Lesnar running and his hands blocked most of the power. Ngannou would bury Brock
Overeem is not the same fighter he was 7 years ago
And Brock has gotten better? Lol. Brock sucks. He's always had massive weaknesses and hates getting hit. He would get mauled by:
Same result. Ngannous cardio + Lesnar Wrestling/GNP = TALK ALL THE SHIT YOU WANT NOW!!!