Leg Kicks in a Fight

raty tat tat

Jun 2, 2013
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This one of the few vids I've seen someone
using low kicks like this.
It blows my mind when grown men untrained fighters start shit with people. And of course, they want to call quits when they realize the other guy has skills. So you disrespected me and then started this fight when I was willing to walk away, but now we're supposed to quit? I'm not fond of the guy who said it, but I like the quote: Fight me for money and I'll stop when you ask. Challenge my honor and I'll stop when I feel like it.
A whole lotta drunk courage from orange shirt and his small friend.
Well that “superhero” is a trained MMA fighter.
30-27 to Guy On The Street

Leg kicks don't win street fights.
Phoenix Jones is a pro fighter who also acts as a local superhero (super due to the uniform).
I find it amusing.
Front kicks to the shin or knee even is an under utilized tech. It really stings bad. It is less telagraphed than the roundhouse low kick as it travel less distance.

I wonder if is legal in MMA.
I like how the guy in the orange shirt half-arsed threw a kick back like "damn, that shit hurts I better try that"

If you're untrained and a guy starts slamming you with kicks, you fucked up.
Check those godamn kicks kid! P Jones would probably fold him anyways tho. That's kind of a unfair street fight since p Jones former pro
Front kicks to the shin or knee even is an under utilized tech. It really stings bad. It is less telagraphed than the roundhouse low kick as it travel less distance.

I wonder if is legal in MMA.

My asshole brother got into hundreds is street fights. He used to stomp knees as his first strike. He hurt a lot of people.
Got a friend that started training muay thai and swears a single kick can end a fight.

These vids show he's wrong. Even a trained MMA dude needed like 5 to start causing damage.
Kinda impressive how the guy took them honestly.

I remember the first time I took a couple of leg kicks in a row and that was from an amateur and much smaller...

This is one I was going to post and comment on. I've seen the whole video where the MMA guy first fights the gang banger's buddy. It was a little closer fight but the MMA guy still won easily. However he seemed to hold back a bit. Then the other dude knew he was outclassed and said he didn't want to fight anymore b/c the MMA guy was kicking and it wasn't "fair".......soemthing about being kicked in teh dong.

THEN the dude smoking decides he'd take a go at the MMA fighter. Finishes his smoke and gets dropped with a leg kick then decides "I'll just foolishly run at this guy who clearly has fighting skills"...and then slam KO'd. That was NASTY!! I wonder if that guy ever woke up.
Got a friend that started training muay thai and swears a single kick can end a fight.

These vids show he's wrong. Even a trained MMA dude needed like 5 to start causing damage.

Well badr hari broke some hotel managers leg with a leg kick so....

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