Leg Kicks in a Fight

Leg kick work in a street fight but not the classic low kick, at least not for finish your opponent.
The kick that really work is the kick that taget the knee for break it like the lateral oblique kick and some other.
Leg attack crew checking in.

Them shits hurt, yo.

A well-timed and placed leg kick across the quad meat and bruhs are like:

Front kicks to the shin or knee even is an under utilized tech. It really stings bad. It is less telagraphed than the roundhouse low kick as it travel less distance.

I wonder if is legal in MMA.
Jon Jones uses oblique kicks to the knees all the time and he gets shit for it too.
Got a friend that started training muay thai and swears a single kick can end a fight.

These vids show he's wrong. Even a trained MMA dude needed like 5 to start causing damage.
I got drilled in a MT match with low kicks. The guy had excellent timing off of my jab. As soon as I stepped he low kicked when all my weight was on it. I must have took about 6 or 7. I was hobbling after but I still managed to go 3 rounds like that. Adrenaline dampens the effect a lot.
So a professional, elite, heavyweight kickboxer can do it. 99.999% of people can't

i agree

i mainly meant that kickboxers might be able to hit them so hard that they end in one kick (iv seen a thaiboxer kick a guys leg from under him and that was it)
People with insecurities should stay home and work on themselves (and checking leg kicks) before they go out drinking. Only insecure people pick fights in the street like that.
So.. there was a police officer and he allowed that fight? Is that a thing in the US?
I like how the guy in the orange shirt half-arsed threw a kick back like "damn, that shit hurts I better try that"

If you're untrained and a guy starts slamming you with kicks, you fucked up.
That kick he tried to throw back was definitely the best part
Yes , in some states if both consent to the fight

I don't see how that's a thing unless it pertains to private property only. Way too much liability for cities to allow that shit on the street.